Tablet or phone preset?

I just want to ask if I need to use the “phone preset” 320 * 480 for all my new projects or “tablet preset” 768 * 1024 is also OK? Currently I create all my projects in “tablet preset” As I read more information, these small doubts appear.


Hi @dodi_games,

The presets are merely there as a shortcut. You can use whatever content area size is best for you. I assume you’re familiar with the overall concept of the content area?

Best regards,


Thanks @Brent. Yes, I understand the concept…

My question comes from looking for an answer of why scene transitions do not work well the first time the application starts.

I’ll keep looking.

Can you tell us more about your flow of scenes and the transitions you expect?

Keep in mind.  “main.lua” is not a scene. The first scene you go to has nothing to transition from, which makes some transitions not work as expected. A “crossFade” would just become a “black to scene fade”.


Hi @dodi_games,

The presets are merely there as a shortcut. You can use whatever content area size is best for you. I assume you’re familiar with the overall concept of the content area?

Best regards,


Thanks @Brent. Yes, I understand the concept…

My question comes from looking for an answer of why scene transitions do not work well the first time the application starts.

I’ll keep looking.

Can you tell us more about your flow of scenes and the transitions you expect?

Keep in mind.  “main.lua” is not a scene. The first scene you go to has nothing to transition from, which makes some transitions not work as expected. A “crossFade” would just become a “black to scene fade”.
