Ok, I am not sure if this is a bug or something in my coding I am doing totally wrong, but after 3 days on this issue in my app I am at wits end. It is probably something I am overlooking, but I am not sure so here goes…
The issue at hand is when I run the scene, everything loads perfectly fine. However, when i scroll through the tableView that is created, when it reaches the bottom entry, that entry duplicates for the amount of total entries, then when I scroll back up it is the only entry filling the entire table. Also, for some reason my separator line only appears every 2 entries in the simulator. The line however does work fine on the device. Screen Shots are attached - SS1 is the initial loading of the scene - everything is as it should be. SS2 is where the list should end - the MAR 15th entry is the last entry in the XML File. SS3 is after you scroll to the bottom of the tableView, for some reason it has taken the last entry and multiplied it by the number of rows and inserted it. SS4 is after scrolling back to the top of the tableView, and now all my rows have been replaced with that last row of data. another thing to note when i click on the row and it moves to the view page, from SS1 it pulls the data from the row and displays it, from SS4 it now pulls the data from that last row, which is how i figured out it was actually replacing the row with the last data entry in the table generated from the XML file.
Here is the code for the scene I am having issues with…
local widget = require( “widget” )
local storyboard = require( “storyboard” )
local scene = storyboard.newScene()
– Code outside of listener functions (below) will only be executed once,
– unless storyboard.removeScene() is called.
listFlag = true;
– local forward references should go here –
– create a constant for the left spacing of the row content
function makeTimeStamp(dateString)
--local pattern = “(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)%a(%d+)% :(%d+)% :([%d%.])”
local pattern = “(%d+)%-(%d+)%-(%d+)%a(%d+)% :(%d+)% :([%d%.])”
eYear, eMonth, eDay, eHour, eMinute, eSeconds = dateString:match(pattern)
function setMonth()
if eMonth == “01” then
eMonth = “JAN”
eMonth == “02” then
eMonth = “FEB”
eMonth == “03” then
eMonth = “MAR”
eMonth == “04” then
eMonth = “APR”
eMonth == “05” then
eMonth = “MAY”
eMonth == “06” then
eMonth = “JUN”
eMonth == “07” then
eMonth = “JUL”
eMonth == “08” then
eMonth = “AUG”
eMonth == “09” then
eMonth = “SEP”
eMonth == “10” then
eMonth = “OCT”
eMonth == “11” then
eMonth = “NOV”
eMonth == “12” then
eMonth = “DEC”
function goBackHome()
storyboard.gotoScene( “iphone4.homescreen” )
– Called when the scene’s view does not exist:
function scene:createScene( event )
local group = self.view
local bgGroup = display.newGroup()
local tableGroup = display.newGroup()
– CREATE display objects and add them to ‘group’ here.
– Example use-case: Restore ‘group’ from previously saved state.
local tableView = nil
– insert backgrounds, set up 0 scale and alpha for transition
mainBG = display.newImageRect(“images/bgAll_i4.png”, _W, _H);
mainBG.x = halfW; mainBG.y = halfH;
– Create toolbar to go at the top of the screen
– Create a title bar
– The gradient used by the title bar
local titleGradient = {
type = ‘gradient’,
color1 = { 0/255, 0/255, 0/255, 255/255 },
color2 = { 35/255,35/255, 35/255, 255/255 },
direction = “down”
– Create toolbar to go at the top of the screen
local titleBar = display.newRect( halfW, 0, _W-10, 66 );
titleBar:setFillColor( titleGradient );
titleBar.y = titleBar.contentHeight * 0.5 +3;
local titleText = display.newText( “Royal Bliss On Tour”, halfW, titleBar.y+3, “ChunkFive-Roman”, 30 );
local hrTop = display.newLine( 0,69, _W-2, 69 );
hrTop:setStrokeColor( 255, 255, 255, 255 );
hrTop.strokeWidth = .75;
local iconBack = display.newImageRect(“images/btnBack.png”, 90, 60);
iconBack.x=70; iconBack.y = titleBar.y+2;
– Text to show which item we selected
local textRoyalBliss = display.newText( “Royal Bliss”, 0, 0, “ChunkFive-Roman”, 28 )
textRoyalBliss.x = display.contentWidth + textRoyalBliss.contentWidth
textRoyalBliss.y = 60 --display.contentCenterY - itemSelected.contentHeight
tableGroup:insert( textRoyalBliss )
local textVenueLoc = display.newText( “”, 0, 0, “ArialRoundedMTBold”, 12 )
textVenueLoc.x = display.contentWidth + textVenueLoc.contentWidth
textVenueLoc.y = 80 --display.contentCenterY - itemSelected.contentHeight
tableGroup:insert( textVenueLoc )
--local myVenueMap = native.newMapView( 20, 100, 290, 220 )
--myVenueMap.mapType = “standard”
--myVenueMap:addMarker( 100, -100 )
--tableGroup:insert( myVenueMap )
– Function to return to the list
local function goBack( event )
– see if date or home
if listFlag == true then
storyboard.gotoScene( “iPhone4.homescreen” )
titleText.text = “Royal Bliss On Tour”
--Transition in the list, transition out the item selected text and the back button
– The table x origin refers to the center of the table in Graphics 2.0, so we translate with half the object’s contentWidth
transition.to( tableView, { x = tableView.contentWidth * 0.5 +5, time = 400, transition = easing.outExpo } )
transition.to( textRoyalBliss, { x = display.contentWidth + textRoyalBliss.contentWidth, time = 400, transition = easing.outExpo } )
transition.to( textVenueLoc, { x = display.contentWidth + textVenueLoc.contentWidth, time = 400, transition = easing.outExpo } )
--transition.to( event.target, { x = display.contentWidth + event.target.contentWidth, time = 400, transition = easing.outQuad } )
--iconBack:removeEventListener(“touch”, goBack )
timer.performWithDelay(800, function() listFlag = true end, 1);
iconBack:addEventListener(“touch”, goBack )
– Listen for tableView events
local function tableViewListener( event )
local phase = event.phase
print( “Event.phase is:”, event.phase )
– Handle row rendering
local function onRowRender( event )
local phase = event.phase
local row = event.row
row.index = eventID; row.venueCity = eventCity; row.month = eMonth; row.day = eDay; row.year = eYear; row.venueName = eventVenue;
local groupContentHeight = row.contentHeight
local rowIcon = display.newImageRect(row, “images/calendar_icon.png”, 105, 105); rowIcon.x = 31;
local rowVenue = display.newText( row, eventVenue, 140, 0, “ArialRoundedMTBold”, 30 );
local rowCity = display.newText( row, eventCity, 140, 0, “ArialRoundedMTBold”, 24 );
local rowMonth = display.newText( row, eMonth, 65, 0, “ArialRoundedMTBold”, 20 );
local rowDay = display.newText( row, eDay, 53, 0, “Arial-Black”, 46 );
rowCity.anchorX = 0; rowVenue.anchorX = 0; rowIcon.anchorX = 0; rowMonth.anchorX = 0; rowDay.anchorX = 0;
rowCity.y = groupContentHeight * 0.63; rowCity:setFillColor( 255, 255, 255 );
rowVenue.y = groupContentHeight * 0.35; rowVenue:setFillColor( 255, 255, 255 );
rowMonth.y = groupContentHeight * 0.28; rowMonth:setFillColor( 255, 255, 255 );
rowDay.y = groupContentHeight * 0.60; rowDay:setFillColor( 0, 0, 0 );
rowIcon.y = groupContentHeight * 0.5;
– Handle row updates
local function onRowUpdate( event )
local phase = event.phase
local row = event.row
print( row.index, “: is now onscreen” )
– Handle touches on the row
local function onRowTouch( event )
local phase = event.phase
local row = event.target
if “release” == phase then
--Update the item selected text
titleText.text = row.month … " " … row.day … ", " …row.year
textVenueLoc.text = "At: " …row.venueName
dataID = row.index
listFlag = false;
--Transition out the list, transition in the item selected text and the back button
– The table x origin refers to the center of the table in Graphics 2.0, so we translate with half the object’s contentWidth
transition.to( tableView, { x = - tableView.contentWidth, time = 400, transition = easing.outExpo } )
transition.to( myVenueMap, { x = display.contentCenterX, time = 400, transition = easing.outExpo } )
transition.to( textRoyalBliss, { x = display.contentCenterX, time = 400, transition = easing.outExpo } )
transition.to( textVenueLoc, { x = display.contentCenterX, time = 400, transition = easing.outExpo } )
--transition.to( backButton, { x = display.contentCenterX, time = 400, transition = easing.outQuad } )
local function networkListener( event )
if ( event.isError ) then
print( “Network error - download failed” )
elseif ( event.phase == “began” ) then
print( “Progress Phase: began” )
elseif ( event.phase == “ended” ) then
print( “loading XML data for Parsing” )
local params = {}
params.progress = true
function createData()
local xml = require( “xml” ).newParser()
local events = xml:loadFile( “tourdates.xml”, system.TemporaryDirectory )
onTour = {}
– for each “child” in the table…
for i=1,#events.child do
– store the event info table
event[i] = events.child[i]
print(“Total rows:” … table.getn( event ) )
– Create 100 rows
for i = 1,#event do
eventID = event[i].child[1].value
eventVenue = event[i].child[14].child[1].value
if string.len(eventVenue) > 28 then
eventVenue = string.sub(eventVenue, 1, 28) … “…”
eventCity = event[i].child[5].value
if string.len(eventCity) > 28 then
eventCity = string.sub(eventCity, 1, 28) … “…”
eventDateCode = event[i].child[3].value
print (eventDateCode)
print (eDay)
print (eMonth)
local rowHeight = 118;
local rowColor =
default = { 255, 255, 255, 0 },
over = { 30/255, 144/255, 1 },
local lineColor = { 255/255, 255/255, 255/255 }
– Insert the row into the tableView
rowHeight = rowHeight,
rowColor = rowColor,
lineColor = lineColor,
end --createData
– Create a tableView
tableView = widget.newTableView
top = 75,
left = 10,
width = 620,
height = 875,
listener = tableViewListener,
onRowRender = onRowRender,
onRowUpdate = onRowUpdate,
onRowTouch = onRowTouch,
hideBackground = true,
--noLines = true,
tableGroup:insert( tableView )
– Called BEFORE scene has moved onscreen:
function scene:willEnterScene( event )
local group = self.view
– This event requires build 2012.782 or later.
– Called immediately after scene has moved onscreen:
function scene:enterScene( event )
local group = self.view
– INSERT code here (e.g. start timers, load audio, start listeners, etc.)
– Called when scene is about to move offscreen:
function scene:exitScene( event )
local group = self.view
– INSERT code here (e.g. stop timers, remove listeners, unload sounds, etc.)
– Called AFTER scene has finished moving offscreen:
function scene:didExitScene( event )
local group = self.view
– This event requires build 2012.782 or later.
– Called prior to the removal of scene’s “view” (display group)
function scene:destroyScene( event )
local group = self.view
– INSERT code here (e.g. remove listeners, widgets, save state, etc.)
– Called if/when overlay scene is displayed via storyboard.showOverlay()
function scene:overlayBegan( event )
local group = self.view
local overlay_name = event.sceneName – name of the overlay scene
– This event requires build 2012.797 or later.
– Called if/when overlay scene is hidden/removed via storyboard.hideOverlay()
function scene:overlayEnded( event )
local group = self.view
local overlay_name = event.sceneName – name of the overlay scene
– This event requires build 2012.797 or later.
– “createScene” event is dispatched if scene’s view does not exist
scene:addEventListener( “createScene”, scene )
– “willEnterScene” event is dispatched before scene transition begins
scene:addEventListener( “willEnterScene”, scene )
– “enterScene” event is dispatched whenever scene transition has finished
scene:addEventListener( “enterScene”, scene )
– “exitScene” event is dispatched before next scene’s transition begins
scene:addEventListener( “exitScene”, scene )
– “didExitScene” event is dispatched after scene has finished transitioning out
scene:addEventListener( “didExitScene”, scene )
– “destroyScene” event is dispatched before view is unloaded, which can be
– automatically unloaded in low memory situations, or explicitly via a call to
– storyboard.purgeScene() or storyboard.removeScene().
scene:addEventListener( “destroyScene”, scene )
– “overlayBegan” event is dispatched when an overlay scene is shown
scene:addEventListener( “overlayBegan”, scene )
– “overlayEnded” event is dispatched when an overlay scene is hidden/removed
scene:addEventListener( “overlayEnded”, scene )
return scene
Yes, I know I have some other things to clean up in this, but right now this data feed issue is my main problem. Also, hopefully once this is all done and working I’ll be able to separate out this whole function and create a plugin - What this does is takes an XML download from bandsintown and load tour dates into the tableview - then when you click on the date it will open a page with venue and ticket info as well as a map and other event info from the data pulled. I don’t know if any of you out there are working on any business type apps and might find this useful or not
Thanks in advance for any help or pointing in the right direction with this