Hello all,
I will be using the TableView Widget to display data from our server. Some requests may have as many as 200 listing responses, each response has a lot of data/images. Use of the “for” loop seems great for a big scoop of data, but I would like to populate as little as 2-10 rows, and would like to be specific/customized for each row.
I have not found the correct syntax to make this happen, probably something easy I am missing.
I could use “textobj” and “newimagerect” for my small data returns, but I would like to keep the display consistent.
– example of hard-wiring the response
local textobj = display.newText(( newTable[“result”][1][“title”][“value”]), 200, 200, 240, 300, native.systemFont, 12) textobj:setFillColor( 1, 1, 1)
local house = display.newImageRect(“house1.jpg”, 200, 150 )
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated.