Tap For Tap plugin crashing

Interesting - only thing I was missing was the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission, and that broke it. (They said it was optional…) Now it’s working. Thanks!  :smiley:

For anyone who is interested: I did not need to include the READ_PHONE_STATE nor the ACCESS_WIFI_STATE permission.

My build settings and main look like the post above, I’ve added TapForTap.jar to the libs folder, and I’ve even tried putting the “<activity android:name=“com.tapfortap.TapForTapActivity”/>” line into the Android Manifest myself; it builds fine, but then when I run it on the device, it crashes. I can’t find any warnings or errors about in the logs either. What am I missing?


We (Corona Labs) didn’t write this plugin.  You need to contact Tap-for-Tap for support on how to integrate their plugin and library into your Android project.  I say that because we don’t know the specifics either.  That said, I’m thinking you have to include more than just the TapForTap.jar file.  You’ll likely have to include an additional JAR file that provides the Lua interface (ie: the Corona plugin interface) to the main TapForTap.jar file.  Again, I’m speculating here, but that is typically how it works.

You can find their contact information and find their Corona Enterprise source code and instructions here…


If you feel that their instructions isn’t clear (and from the looks of things, they’re not), then let TapForTap know so that they can update their documentation.

Also, you can download all Corona plugin libraries, including Tap-for-Tap’s, here…


Thanks for the response - turns out I flubbed up my own AndroidManifest, and that’s why I couldn’t see any Corona errors. I needed to add in a missing TapforTap lua file.

Now my issue is: interstitials aren’t showing up (black screen appears for half a second), but banners do. :-/

Interstitial ads are typically displayed via an Android activity.  That Tap-for-Tap activity tag that you’ve posted up above is probably needed to display the interstitial ad window.  I’m guessing, but try to add the activity tag into your AndroidManifest.xml file like shown below.  Based on their documentation, it also looks like you have to add the following Android permissions to your manifest file as well.

\<manifest ...\> \<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/\> \<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ\_PHONE\_STATE"/\> \<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS\_NETWORK\_STATE"/\> \<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS\_WIFI\_STATE"/\> \<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE\_EXTERNAL\_STORAGE"/\> \<application ...\> \<activity android:name="com.tapfortap.TapForTapActivity"/\> \</application\> \</manifest\>

Interesting - only thing I was missing was the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission, and that broke it. (They said it was optional…) Now it’s working. Thanks!  :smiley:

For anyone who is interested: I did not need to include the READ_PHONE_STATE nor the ACCESS_WIFI_STATE permission.