Tappy Escape - Funny Running Game

Hi Guys,

I am Flavio from Tapps, a brazilian mobile studio. We are developing many casual games with Corona. The last one was Tappy Escape, a running style game with a cute fox and his friends.

iOS Link: http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/id534950398?mt=8

It’s a Free game. We will apreciate any comment and feedback.

You also can check our others games at http://games.tapps.com.br [import]uid: 92847 topic_id: 27877 reply_id: 327877[/import]

The graphics look stunning; I love the style and all the color. Looking forward to checking this out :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 27877 reply_id: 112868[/import]