TC AddCharsetFromBMF issue

Any idea why TC doesn’t like ( terminal : …/lib_text_candy.lua:300: attempt to index local ‘Char’ (a nil value) ) the following line :

TextCandy.AddCharsetFromBMF( "MT", "MT.fnt", "@j()$[]Q#p9023iUCRbqyJg675I48DGNTVWYhABHKLOPXk&EFSZdtfl!Ml;maor\<\>wxvcenuz+s:\*,=-.\_" )

[import]uid: 9328 topic_id: 19458 reply_id: 319458[/import]

There will be an update within the next days that does not require a charOrder string to be passed with AddCharsetFromBMF anymore, maybe that will solve your issue. Could you please send a copy of your .fnt file and the texture so we can do some tests on it?
[import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 19458 reply_id: 76352[/import]

I have removed the ‘complicated’ chars with a shorter list, and the font worked.

(the update feature is quite cool) [import]uid: 9328 topic_id: 19458 reply_id: 76362[/import]