Tenjin plugin

Hi, all,

I was trying to include tenjin plugin in my project, but I got following warnings:

<result>warning: (arm64) /Users/distiller/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/TenjinSDK-fihtjvwqdleqxvbqpsqfipbxjpxu/Build/Intermediates.noindex/TenjinSDK.build/Release-iphoneos/TenjinSDK.build/Objects-normal/arm64/TenjinImpl.o unable to open object file: No such file or directory
                    warning: (arm64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol +[TenjinImpl setWrappedVersion:]
                    warning: (arm64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol +[TenjinImpl getWrappedVersion]
                    warning: (arm64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol -[TenjinImpl initWithToken:andSharedSecret:andAppSubversion:ping:requestSender:]
                    warning: (arm64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol ___80-[TenjinImpl initWithToken:andSharedSecret:andAppSubversion:ping:requestSender:]_block_invoke
                    warning: (arm64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol ___copy_helper_block_e8_32w
                    warning: (arm64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol ___destroy_helper_block_e8_32w
                    warning: (arm64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol -[TenjinImpl initWithToken:andSharedSecret:andAppSubversion:ping:]
                    warning: (arm64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol -[TenjinImpl setup]
                    warning: (arm64)  could not find object file symbol for symbol -[TenjinImpl run]

I created empty project, added tenjin plugin in build.settings :

    plugins = {
        ["plugin.tenjin"] = {
            publisherId = "com.coronalabs",

And I got the same issue.

Is it something wrong with plugin? Or I do something wrong? Any help will be appreciated.