Testing Gamecenter


I seem to have an issue testing Gamecenter on my iPad.  I think a lot of my issues come down to me not being sure what to expect.  This is the first time I have worked with game center, and it seems far less intuitive then GPGS.

I am able to loggin OK, and “gameNetwork.show( “leaderboards”,” seems to display the proper leaderboard, and shows some scores some of the time, but not all and not always.   Sometimes, it says “No Scores”, but if I press the back (top right hand corner) and then go back into the leaderboard it sometimes shows a score.  Sometimes the score just appears OK.

Am I likely to be doing something wrong, or is this just the way it is? Is there a delay on the scores appearing?  Should it show my latest score as well (as it does with GPGS)?


local public = {} local gameNetwork = require( "gameNetwork" ) local loggedIntoGC = false public.loggin = function() local function initCallback( event ) if ( event.type == "showSignIn" ) then -- This is an opportunity to pause your game or do other things you might need to do while the Game Center Sign-In controller is up. elseif ( event.data ) then loggedIntoGC = true post("gameServicesLoggedIn", {state = true}) end end gameNetwork.init( "gamecenter", initCallback ) end public.isConnected = function() return loggedIntoGC end public.showLeaderboards = function() gameNetwork.show( "leaderboards", { leaderboard = { category = "com.zeroIQTest.Highscore" }, listener = showLeaders } ) end public.leaderBoardSubmit = function(score) local function requestCallback( event ) if ( event.type == "setHighScore" ) then -- High score has been set print("setHighScore callback" ) table.print\_r(event) end end gameNetwork.request( "setHighScore", { localPlayerScore = { category="com.zeroIQTest.Highscore", value=tonumber(score) }, listener = requestCallback } ) end return public