Hi guys,
The title says it all. I recently send an app to Itunes and just found out about that testMode = true in my init code:
– Initialize the Chartboost library
licenseKey = “xxxxxxxxxx”,
testMode = true,
appID = “yyyyyyyyyyy”,
appSignature = “yyyyyyyyyy”,
listener = function( event )
– Print the events key/pair values
for k,v in pairs( event ) do
print( k, “:”, v )
As you can see I forgot to set testMode to false. I will assume that my app will not get true ads (ads that pay) correct?
I am getting ready to reject my binary but I do not want to do it if I don’t have too!
ps: What that testMode is about anyway? I thought I can just decide about ads test mode in the Chartboost dashboard?