testMode = true --- Do I need to reject my ios binary :(

Hi guys,

The title says it all. I recently send an app to Itunes and just found out about that testMode = true in my init code:


– Initialize the Chartboost library



    licenseKey = “xxxxxxxxxx”,

    testMode = true,

    appID = “yyyyyyyyyyy”,

    appSignature = “yyyyyyyyyy”,  

    listener = function( event )

        – Print the events key/pair values

        for k,v in pairs( event ) do

            print( k, “:”, v )





As you can see I forgot to set testMode to false. I will assume that my app will not get true ads (ads that pay) correct?

I am getting ready to reject my binary :frowning: but I do not want to do it if I don’t have too!



ps: What that testMode is about anyway? I thought I can just decide about ads test mode in the Chartboost dashboard? 

Reject it Mo.

Testmode in our plugins really just controls how we show licensing errors. For instance if a license is missing or cannot be validated due to a network error, we show a popup on screen to alert the developer during testing.

We plan to remove this, as it seems to be causing more trouble than it’s worth… Bur for now, set it to false and resubmit :slight_smile:

Thanks Danny for the fast response. Ok I will reject and resubmit.


EDIT: Just to make sure, did you say that the testMode = true do not  invalid showing ads nor counting real installs once the app is live? I may live with an error popup until my next update in that case. Please let me know. 

Testmode=true will show a native alert about a license warning on no network or invalid license key. You don’t want that in a release build.

It does not have any bearing on the settings of chartboost itself however, that is correct.

Have a nice weekend :slight_smile:

THANK YOU! You too.


Reject it Mo.

Testmode in our plugins really just controls how we show licensing errors. For instance if a license is missing or cannot be validated due to a network error, we show a popup on screen to alert the developer during testing.

We plan to remove this, as it seems to be causing more trouble than it’s worth… Bur for now, set it to false and resubmit :slight_smile:

Thanks Danny for the fast response. Ok I will reject and resubmit.


EDIT: Just to make sure, did you say that the testMode = true do not  invalid showing ads nor counting real installs once the app is live? I may live with an error popup until my next update in that case. Please let me know. 

Testmode=true will show a native alert about a license warning on no network or invalid license key. You don’t want that in a release build.

It does not have any bearing on the settings of chartboost itself however, that is correct.

Have a nice weekend :slight_smile:

THANK YOU! You too.
