Text Anti Alias / Smoothing problem

Hey guys,

I updated corona to latest build - and noticed that display.newText now dosent look smooth.

Any info on that? How to turn it on?

What version did you update from?

Are these simulator screen shots or device screen shots?  What platform are they from?


From Corona-2017.3184

Both screenshots from simulator(and same in win32 build).

In my other project, it is even worse:

old one from win32 build(but it was 1to1 as in simulator), new one from simulator(and same in win32 build).

What version did you update from?

Are these simulator screen shots or device screen shots?  What platform are they from?


From Corona-2017.3184

Both screenshots from simulator(and same in win32 build).

In my other project, it is even worse:

old one from win32 build(but it was 1to1 as in simulator), new one from simulator(and same in win32 build).