There is a very strange issue in LUAs string library - the problem is that German Umlauts (as included in our sample fonts) are converted to double chars when passed to a function. This is only the case inside a module (which is really strange). This is why Text Candy thinks there are more chars on the texture as there actually are.
The solution is to get rid of the German Umlauts in the fonts when you are loading your fonts from a sub directory or from within a module. There is no need to change the textures -just edit the character order string and replace each Umlaut with an individual character that is not used.
TextCandy.AddCharset (“FONT1”, “font_Small3_White”, “font_Small3_White.png”, “0123456789A Ä BCDEFGHIJKLMNO Ö PQRSTU Ü VWXYZ’*@():,$.!-%+?;#/_”, 10)
Fixed (each Umlaut replaced with the ’ { ’ symbol, which isn’t used):
TextCandy.AddCharset (“FONT1”, “font_Small3_White”, “font_Small3_White.png”, “0123456789A { BCDEFGHIJKLMNO { PQRSTU { VWXYZ’*@():,$.!-%+?;#/_”, 10)
If you are creating your own charsets then, you should avoid adding Umlauts to stay on the save side. [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 8091 reply_id: 28889[/import]