Text Candy - Errors

Hi all,

I’ve been playing around with text candy today, i now have this working, to a degree.

My level loads, the text charset gets added, but if i quit the level then reload it, i get the following error

–> TextFX.AddCharset(): ADDED CHARSET ‘MyFont1’ (10 CHARS)
…ments/Corona/-Development/Game/lib_text_candy.lua:1253: attempt to index field ‘?’ (a nil value)
Runtime script error at file lib_text_candy.lua line 1253

This means little to me at this point,

Any ideas
[import]uid: 125592 topic_id: 24962 reply_id: 324962[/import]

I looks like this line is causing the issue…

TextCandy.ScaleCharset(“MyFont1”, 0.7)

All ideas appreciated [import]uid: 125592 topic_id: 24962 reply_id: 101335[/import]

i’m having exactly the same problem - dont suppose you found a solution??

Thanks mate. [import]uid: 81475 topic_id: 24962 reply_id: 103145[/import]

if it helps anyone, the problem seems to be around these lines in the text candy class :

for i = 1, #V.ObjectList do
if V.ObjectList[i].fontName == fontName then c = c + 1; V.PDrawChars(V.ObjectList[i]) end
end [import]uid: 81475 topic_id: 24962 reply_id: 103155[/import]

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Your X-PRESSIVE.COM Team [import]uid: 5540 topic_id: 24962 reply_id: 103167[/import]

neil6, Yokel Games -could you please send us a small, stripped-down sample code that demonstrates that issue (support [at] x-pressive.com)? Please do not forget to include all media required (font data file, font image etc.). [import]uid: 10504 topic_id: 24962 reply_id: 104857[/import]

Hey there,

I managed to fix my problem by not instantiating the TextCandy font more than once. If i instantiate all my fonts in my main.lua file then i can use them with no trouble throughout the rest of my app.

The problem occured when I opened a level (with director), then went back then opened the level again - the font failed when i tried to scale it.

Cheers. [import]uid: 81475 topic_id: 24962 reply_id: 104885[/import]