Text Candy Skew Effect

I was watching the video where the text skews from left to right, and I was wondering if this is achieved using the standard corona api, or whether you are using some undocumented feature? :stuck_out_tongue:
i.e. the height changes over the char.

Please help me sleep at night, I’ve been racking my brains as to how this is done for the last week.

I cant afford to buy your product at the moment (or a corona license to publish, or for that fact any breakfast or lunch for the last 2 weeks) and I’ve been trying to get my game up to a demo-able standard so I can petition my parents for the funds required to publish. But I will. One day :slight_smile: [import]uid: 34945 topic_id: 9027 reply_id: 309027[/import]

I bought Text Candy (very nice btw), but I can’t find any skew effect…

Where did you see that effect, can you tell me the exact min:sec on the promo video? [import]uid: 9158 topic_id: 9027 reply_id: 33195[/import]

I’m pretty sure they are using standard features, with some nice, clever per-character scaling and rotation. Great product to get some neat text effects easily into your app! [import]uid: 12448 topic_id: 9027 reply_id: 34069[/import]