If you insert a text object inside snapshot group, and then insert said snapshot into a scrollview,
the snapshot disappears, when invalidating. However, if you move the scrollview, it appears back.
I wonder if this is a bug, or is it connected with the nested limit of the scrollview?
Here is some example code, based on the fishies sample:
local textoptions = { parent = questionRegions, text = "text placeholder", x = 0, y = 0, width = (643 - 150)\*2, --required for multi-line and alignment font = native.systemFontBold, fontSize = 50, align = "center" --new alignment parameter } local frontText = display.newText( textoptions ) frontText:setFillColor( 0, 0, 0 ) -- Seed randomizer local seed = os.time(); math.randomseed( seed ) local widget = require( "widget" ) local scrollView = widget.newScrollView( { top = 0, left = 0, width = \_W, height = \_H, scrollWidth = 600, scrollHeight = 800, listener = scrollListener, horizontalScrollDisabled = true, hideBackground = true, } ) display.setStatusBar( display.HiddenStatusBar ) local snapshot = display.newSnapshot( 300, 300 ) math.randomseed( 0 ) -- Add 4 fish images to the screen for i = 1,4 do -- Create a fish local fish = display.newImage( "fish.small.red.png" ) -- Move it to a random position relative to the snapshot's origin fish:translate( math.random( -100, 100 ), math.random( -100, 100 ) ) -- Insert the fish into the snapshot snapshot.group:insert( fish ) end snapshot.group:insert(frontText) snapshot:translate( display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY ) -- Center the snapshot on the screen snapshot:invalidate() -- Invalidate the snapshot --transition.to( snapshot, { alpha=0, time=2000 } ) -- Fade the snapshot out scrollView:insert(snapshot) local function onDelay() print("invalidates!") snapshot.group[snapshot.group.numChildren].alpha = 0.5 snapshot:invalidate() end snapshot:addEventListener("tap", onDelay )