TextCandy & GlyphDesigner: Fails with Umlaute (äöü)

Hi there,

I purchased copies of TextCandy and GlyphDesigner. So far so good but I have big troubles reading a font with TextCandy (exported from GlyphDesigner) which provides for Umlaute (äöü).

I am using this command to read the font:

TextCandy.AddCharsetFromGlyphDesigner("GameFont\_1", "XXX")  

I am getting this error:

2013-02-26 14:05:36.105 Corona Simulator[16441:707] Runtime error
…s/XXXX/Desktop/XXXX/lib_text_candy.lua:131: sequence frames must be inside the sheet

stack traceback:
[C]: ?
[C]: in function ‘newSpriteSet’
…s/XXXX/Desktop/XXXX/lib_text_candy.lua:131: in function ‘AddCharset’
…s/XXXX/Desktop/XXXX/lib_text_candy.lua:409: in function ‘AddCharsetFromGlyphDesigner’
/Users/XXXX/Desktop/XXXX/main.lua:583: in function ‘_listener’

Any help would be greatly appreciated! [import]uid: 101883 topic_id: 36325 reply_id: 336325[/import]

hope german ok:

Du must im im png file das Zeichen definiert haben, d.h. dein ä ö oder ü.

in der lua Datei must und ein replace definieren für diese Zeichen so wie es in den Muster Fonts gemacht wird von text_candy mitgeliedert. Schau dir mal die Beispiele an.

[import]uid: 96270 topic_id: 36325 reply_id: 144283[/import]

@michael37: Das soll aber nur dann funktionieren, wenn man “TextCandy.AddCharse” verwendet. Ich verwende aber “TextCandy.AddCharsetFromGlyphDesigner” und da funktioniert es irgendwie nicht.

@all: Does anyone know how to handle this problem? Unfortuantely michael37’s tipp did not help me. [import]uid: 101883 topic_id: 36325 reply_id: 144304[/import]

I don’t know if this will work for you but I managed to solve this problem by changing the text encoding of my lua file where I was adding the text candy character set . It was Unicode (UTF-8) and I changed it to Western (Mac OS Roman).
I have yet to test this in a build to I might have to eat my own words but I got the idea from the text candy website when I read that :

…LUA string library that is shipped with Corona converts special chars like Umlauts, Accents etc. to double-byte characters when they are passed as function parameters… [import]uid: 62617 topic_id: 36325 reply_id: 144593[/import]

hope german ok:

Du must im im png file das Zeichen definiert haben, d.h. dein ä ö oder ü.

in der lua Datei must und ein replace definieren für diese Zeichen so wie es in den Muster Fonts gemacht wird von text_candy mitgeliedert. Schau dir mal die Beispiele an.

[import]uid: 96270 topic_id: 36325 reply_id: 144283[/import]

@michael37: Das soll aber nur dann funktionieren, wenn man “TextCandy.AddCharse” verwendet. Ich verwende aber “TextCandy.AddCharsetFromGlyphDesigner” und da funktioniert es irgendwie nicht.

@all: Does anyone know how to handle this problem? Unfortuantely michael37’s tipp did not help me. [import]uid: 101883 topic_id: 36325 reply_id: 144304[/import]

I don’t know if this will work for you but I managed to solve this problem by changing the text encoding of my lua file where I was adding the text candy character set . It was Unicode (UTF-8) and I changed it to Western (Mac OS Roman).
I have yet to test this in a build to I might have to eat my own words but I got the idea from the text candy website when I read that :

…LUA string library that is shipped with Corona converts special chars like Umlauts, Accents etc. to double-byte characters when they are passed as function parameters… [import]uid: 62617 topic_id: 36325 reply_id: 144593[/import]

hope german ok:

Du must im im png file das Zeichen definiert haben, d.h. dein ä ö oder ü.

in der lua Datei must und ein replace definieren für diese Zeichen so wie es in den Muster Fonts gemacht wird von text_candy mitgeliedert. Schau dir mal die Beispiele an.

[import]uid: 96270 topic_id: 36325 reply_id: 144283[/import]

@michael37: Das soll aber nur dann funktionieren, wenn man “TextCandy.AddCharse” verwendet. Ich verwende aber “TextCandy.AddCharsetFromGlyphDesigner” und da funktioniert es irgendwie nicht.

@all: Does anyone know how to handle this problem? Unfortuantely michael37’s tipp did not help me. [import]uid: 101883 topic_id: 36325 reply_id: 144304[/import]

I don’t know if this will work for you but I managed to solve this problem by changing the text encoding of my lua file where I was adding the text candy character set . It was Unicode (UTF-8) and I changed it to Western (Mac OS Roman).
I have yet to test this in a build to I might have to eat my own words but I got the idea from the text candy website when I read that :

…LUA string library that is shipped with Corona converts special chars like Umlauts, Accents etc. to double-byte characters when they are passed as function parameters… [import]uid: 62617 topic_id: 36325 reply_id: 144593[/import]

hope german ok:

Du must im im png file das Zeichen definiert haben, d.h. dein ä ö oder ü.

in der lua Datei must und ein replace definieren für diese Zeichen so wie es in den Muster Fonts gemacht wird von text_candy mitgeliedert. Schau dir mal die Beispiele an.

[import]uid: 96270 topic_id: 36325 reply_id: 144283[/import]

@michael37: Das soll aber nur dann funktionieren, wenn man “TextCandy.AddCharse” verwendet. Ich verwende aber “TextCandy.AddCharsetFromGlyphDesigner” und da funktioniert es irgendwie nicht.

@all: Does anyone know how to handle this problem? Unfortuantely michael37’s tipp did not help me. [import]uid: 101883 topic_id: 36325 reply_id: 144304[/import]

I don’t know if this will work for you but I managed to solve this problem by changing the text encoding of my lua file where I was adding the text candy character set . It was Unicode (UTF-8) and I changed it to Western (Mac OS Roman).
I have yet to test this in a build to I might have to eat my own words but I got the idea from the text candy website when I read that :

…LUA string library that is shipped with Corona converts special chars like Umlauts, Accents etc. to double-byte characters when they are passed as function parameters… [import]uid: 62617 topic_id: 36325 reply_id: 144593[/import]