TextCandy - Set spaceWidth when using vector fonts


I’ve just purchased this library because I need to use a lineSpacing property that is not available with display.newText().

When I start using Text Candy I found that my letters were too stuck together so I decided to increase the charSpacing property. The problem with doing so is that the space between words is too big now.

I’ve seen there is a property spaceWidth when using bitmap fonts, but can’t see this property when using AddVectorFont.

The only way I found is change the line 265 from lib_text_candy.lua. 


-- SPACE CHAR DATA Temp = display.newText( "..", 0, 0, fontName, fontSize )


-- SPACE CHAR DATA Temp = display.newText( " ", 0, 0, fontName, fontSize )

Note that I’ve changed the dots for a “real” space. This seems to use an “acceptable” space width. Is there a reason of using 2 dots instead of a space?

Anyway, if you now a better way to specify a spaceWidth when using vector fonts I’d be grateful!