Textfield and ios8

Hi every one,

I have a problem with a textfield with ios8. I have a chat style app that have that textfield on the bottom of the app that is moving over the keyboard that appear if i tap on it. Everything work well, but with new iOS there is the problem of the autocorrector that can appear or not. How I detect if autocorrector is appearing or not?

I put some image for make you understand better my problem:

This image is with the autocorrect not activated

This image is with the autocorrect activated

I need that in both cases I can view the textfield of text.



Hi Girolamo,

At this time, there’s not a way to detect if the auto-correct bar is enabled or not. As a workaround, I would suggest that you move the field up further, so that it always remains above the keyboard (and above the auto-correct bar if it’s shown). The following tutorial shows how to easily move a group of text inputs:


Take care,


Yes for now i done like that… But there is on (soon) project to develop a more elegant way for doing that… for user that take it activated is a good solution… but for user that not use that kind of feature is really disgusting look at that solution as the textfield have some space from the keyboard…

Hope that you are working to fix it soon…


PS please answer to other mine post ----> http://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/53228-cant-build-corona-viewer-after-changing-buildsettings-and-configlua-error-5/?p=276590

We are experimenting with auto moving of the text fields to be flush with the top of the keyboard.  You can add this:

CoronaWindowMovesWhenKeyboardAppears = true,

to your Settings -> iphone -> plist table in your build settings if you want to try it.  There is a big limitation.  You have to have a fixed orientation app.  If your app supports both portrait and landscape it won’t work.

For Android you can add this key to the android block:

coronaWindowMovesWhenKeyboardAppears = true,

(Yes the case is different, but that’s the OS standard for each device).

This is not officially supported.  It’s experimental and there is no ETA or promise that we will get past it’s existing limitations.

But if that works for you…


Yes this work,

but there is a black (horrible) bounce while the keyboard goes up. If you need i can send you a screen about that problem. There is a possibility to remove this black view? If is not I can’t use to an application  that kind of solution as is really disgusting to look at.



Can you make a video?  I just built a test app and there is a small black gap, but I wouldn’t call it a bounce.


Hi Girolamo,

At this time, there’s not a way to detect if the auto-correct bar is enabled or not. As a workaround, I would suggest that you move the field up further, so that it always remains above the keyboard (and above the auto-correct bar if it’s shown). The following tutorial shows how to easily move a group of text inputs:


Take care,


Yes for now i done like that… But there is on (soon) project to develop a more elegant way for doing that… for user that take it activated is a good solution… but for user that not use that kind of feature is really disgusting look at that solution as the textfield have some space from the keyboard…

Hope that you are working to fix it soon…


PS please answer to other mine post ----> http://forums.coronalabs.com/topic/53228-cant-build-corona-viewer-after-changing-buildsettings-and-configlua-error-5/?p=276590

We are experimenting with auto moving of the text fields to be flush with the top of the keyboard.  You can add this:

CoronaWindowMovesWhenKeyboardAppears = true,

to your Settings -> iphone -> plist table in your build settings if you want to try it.  There is a big limitation.  You have to have a fixed orientation app.  If your app supports both portrait and landscape it won’t work.

For Android you can add this key to the android block:

coronaWindowMovesWhenKeyboardAppears = true,

(Yes the case is different, but that’s the OS standard for each device).

This is not officially supported.  It’s experimental and there is no ETA or promise that we will get past it’s existing limitations.

But if that works for you…


Yes this work,

but there is a black (horrible) bounce while the keyboard goes up. If you need i can send you a screen about that problem. There is a possibility to remove this black view? If is not I can’t use to an application  that kind of solution as is really disgusting to look at.



Can you make a video?  I just built a test app and there is a small black gap, but I wouldn’t call it a bounce.
