Thank You Ansca! Obrigado Ansca! :)

@David - Ansca COO ,

Thank you very much for hearing and taking my proposal and also taking your time to Open our New CoronaSDK Forum in Portuguese language!

WOW! Just AWESOME! :wink:

So lets start working and see the first <cite>Portuguese</cite> questions starting to pop up around here! Ill help out anyone that comes here on anything needed as soon as am able to do so. And if am unable, Ill run to Asnca, OK?. ;) One more time, Thanks Ansca Mobile. PS: Now, hey, lets start writing in Portuguese please! Haha.
Best Regards Team,
Rodrigo Costa.

[import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 326434[/import]

Obrigado ao Sr, grande mermao do coracao, Rodrigo por incentivar esse forum em Portugues!! Agora ja poderei convidar meus amigos do mundo portugues pra esse forum!!!

Obrigado Corona Team for opening this. [import]uid: 75258 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107217[/import]

Hey @Paulo, meu irmão!

Haha…pois é, agora já temos um Corona Forum em Português! Nossa língua mãe!

PS: Ohh, mas pára com isso de me chamar de Sr. hein!! :slight_smile:
Senhor está no céu olhando por nós, eu sou apenas filho, nada de Sr.!

PS: Ahh, e também não estou tão velho assim não hein…apenas 3 . 0 tá bom? :wink: LOL

Forte abraço!
Rodrigo. [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107222[/import]

Hahah !! Ta bom: MENINO!! HEHEH [import]uid: 75258 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107224[/import]

Hahaha…tú é fogo hein brother! Mas tá melhor agora!

Melhor que VELHO…(LOL) :slight_smile:
[import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107227[/import]

great to see this!!
although i can’t read!!
congratulations!!! [import]uid: 25057 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107231[/import]

@CoolSeal ,

Hey, thank you for the best wishes mate!

Very kind of you and hey, if you cannot read, no problem - we can translate as well, just tell! Youre welcome as everyone that wanna join the new CoronaSDKs Portuguese Forum! :wink:
I appreciate that.
Rodrigo. [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107234[/import]

Nossa que legal, e muito bom saber que Ansca abriu espaço aqui no forum para os brasukas =), eu ja estava empolgado em aprender linguagem lua, agora que posso tirar minhas dúvidas com pessoas do meu país não vou perder tempo não, é mão na massa… quer dizer no teclado =)! [import]uid: 134330 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107292[/import]

Olá @eggamescn ,

Seja bem-vindo ao novo CoronaSDK Fórum em Português!

Realmente a criação desse espaço para os falantes da língua portuguesa pela Ansca Mobile foi algo que caiu muito bem.

Que bom termos conseguido isso, e olha que não foi difícil, contando com o total apoio de nosso amigo @David - Ansca COO.

Afinal de contas não somos a maioria (não me refiro apenas aos Brasileiros, mas sim à TODOS os que falam Português em qualquer lugar desse planeta!), mas de qualquer forma, para nos explicarmos, UAU, NADA melhor que utilizar o que a gente nasceu sabendo né não? hahaha.
Agradeço o apoio de todos e bola pra frente aqui no nosso novo espaço - A famosa Comunidade Corona (agora em Português)!
Que possamos nos ajudar mutuamente, haja vista, sem isso, o caminho se torna muito mais longo e “doloroso”. Conselho: Não queira “pagar” para ver. :wink:
Forte abraço Amigos,
Rodrigo Costa.
@RSCdev [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107326[/import]

Looks like a bad idea :wink:

Why don’t stick to english language since most of the people in the world know and speak english. I guess most of the talent corona people speaks english and not Portuguese?

It’s the same as when you build your app, why go for a small target when you have the world within your feets :slight_smile: I guess that you will get more answers if you ask your question in english than in Portuguese…

No offense, and Lua is using English :wink:

Joakim [import]uid: 81188 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107371[/import]

I think this is awesome. So what if most people around the forum speak English? Even if only 10 users speak Portuguese those 10 users still deserve help and I think it is great that Rodrigo is going out of his way to help the community - whether they speak English or not.

Peach :wink: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107394[/import]

Great, then we can start a Swedish, Polish, German, Turkish, Norweigan forum as well…lets get international…translate all webpages to all different languages and translate the API pages in all languages. Lets do a localization of the Lua language…

Sorry, I couldn’t hold my breath…but I think this is so stupid. We are living in a borderless world nowadays and the generic language spoken is english. I have never seen a forum that acts as a support, written in several of different languages…

No offense but how should I manage to get help from the forum if I can’t understand whats written? The forum is my waterhole where I search and find solutions for my problems. So, do I have to get a spanish lesson now, so that I can search for the topics I am looking for? And next week, a Swahili lesson? This is a bad idea…really bad…


[import]uid: 81188 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107398[/import]

@Joakim ,

Thank you for the post here! It`s really nice to see that people are actually “seeing” and also “posting” into the newest CoronaSDK - Portuguese forum, as you just did. :wink:

For what you`ve said above as the sentence: Looks like a bad idea :wink: - Well, for that, my first view is that everyone in this world has their own rights of showing their own “point of view” such as opinions, ideas, complaints and so on, BUT I do have a second view about that too, that is - I completely disagree with your own point of view, wanna know why? If so, I will enumerate right below (based on your own statements above) all the points that make myself disagree of your sentence above, keep reading please:
• Why don’t stick to english language since most of the people in the world know and speak english.

1) Well, for this I really do not know if it is really true at all (I mean: based on statistics data worlwide somewhere). But considering that what you said is the TRUTH about that, well, I still would disagree with you when it regards my country (Brasil), because for example (real ones. as can be seen here: we are a folk of almost 200 million people and the “English speakers” here is about roughly 50% of the population, what would mean 100 million people (well, not a bit part) BUT what about the other almost 50%? Well, they are not English speakers and not even understand anything in English (maybe its hard but true unfortunatelly), and here were still speaking about something around 90 millions people! Is that a little part? No no…there are a HUGE market to be explored out there as yet! So, here am only considering my country - Brasil - but and what about the other ones (Portuguese speakers) around the globe? Look the wikipedia stats below (and it is outdated - 2005):

Territórios de Língua Portuguesa  
 país falantes  
 (nativos) falantes população  
Angola 60% S.D. 11 190 786  
Cabo Verde S.D. S.D. 418 224  
Guiné-Bissau S.D. 14% 1 416 027  
Moçambique 9% 40% 19 406 703  
S.Tomé e Prínc. 50% 95% 187 410  
Guiné Eq. S.D. S.D. 1,014,999  
não oficial:  
Namíbia 4-5% 4-5% 2 030 692  
África do Sul 2% 2% 44 344 136  
Japão 0 0,21% 127 214 499  
Timor-Leste S.D. 25% 1 040 880  
Macau, China 5% S.D. 449 198  
não oficial:  
Damão, Índia2 10% 10% S.D.  
Goa, Índia 3-5% 5% S.D.  
Portugal 99% 100% 10 566 212  
não oficial:  
Luxemburgo 14% 14% 468 571  
Andorra 4-13% 4-13% 70 549  
França 2% 2% 60 656 178  
Suíça 2% 2% 7 489 370  
Brasil 99% 100% 186 112 794  
não oficial:  
Paraguai 7% 7% 6 347 884  
Bermuda 4% 4% 65,365  
Uruguai 1% 1% 3.241.003  
Venezuela 1-2% 1-2% 25 375 281  
Canadá 1-2% 1-2% 32 805 041  
A. Holandesas 1% 1% 219 958  
EUA 0,7% 0,7% 295 900 500  

• I guess most of the talent corona people speaks english and not Portuguese?

2) Well, here you`re probably right! But I comment this one with one another question: Only because it is like that it has to be always, is it deserved to be so? Is there a standard to follow? I do not think so even agreeing with your statment. If the world would go being the same, without changes, we would even not be here maybe, believe EVERYTHING CHANGES ALWAYS! It really does not matter the subject we speak about, BECAUSE the truth is that it will CHANGE. :wink:

• It’s the same as when you build your app, why go for a small target when you have the world within your feets :slight_smile:

3) Other thing that I half agree with you because there are MANY times that one Portuguese Native Speaker (like myself) just want to release something completely written in Portuguese and targetting only one market - the portuguese speakers as well.

I will go further and will give you as a real example, MYSELF: I have one App (not a game) that was made EXCLUSIVELY for the “Brazilian people”, ONLY! Why? Because the app is completely “tied” with the National Brazilian Postal Office and so it would not be of any interest for anyone foreign at all. Now, regarding the “small” market (as you could think about because of it only being brazilian), well, I have to say that am very happy with my native market as I get by day around 200 downloads, and when it is a good day as yesterday for example, I got 400 downloads. Well, those numbers for me isn`t a bit, even considering the app is free (with IAP) but comes standing app on the TOP FREE PRODUCTIVITY/TOP GROSSING/POPULAR iPhone & iPad section of Brazil AppStore since its release (well, 5 months ago by now). My purpose here was only show some real thing and not make a merchandising at all.

• I guess that you will get more answers if you ask your question in english than in Portuguese…

3) Yes, here I completely agree with you but well, what I would say is that when you come to the forums and see/read many topics around here that you cannot even understand what the user is trying to speak/ask, well, the reason for that many times is due of the lack of ENGLISH SKILLS IMHO. And when you ask that same user to try to “elaborate” better their question, well, I can say by my own that that time is the first step for the user “lacking” english skills to move out and look for other things out there where he would be “better” welcomed. It`s my own opinion as well.

• No offense, and Lua is using English :wink:

4) SURE! Of course NO OFFENSE AT ALL! :wink: And yes, Lua is Brazilian made language and using English. Maybe because their “founders” were those small part of brazilians that had the oppotunity to get to school and even learn English at that hard decade of 90s for the country. So now were lucky to have it! :wink:
Thanks for reading. :slight_smile:

PS: Sorry for the bad board`s stats I posted above, you can check it out better at wikipedia here:íngua_portuguesa

PS2: Do you think I know English? Haha…I can say you that I do not! Look above and youll see so MUCH mistakes and strange sentences dont you? It`s due to my own bad English skills.
Rodrigo Costa. [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107404[/import]

@Peach , Thank you!

I know you have a big heart when it comes to welcome someone new into the Corona Forums (I`ve been welcomed by you). :wink:
Rodrigo. [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107408[/import]

@Joakim ,

Great, then we can start a Swedish, Polish, German, Turkish, Norweigan forum as well…lets get international…translate all webpages to all different languages and translate the API pages in all languages. Lets do a localization of the Lua language…

Do you mind? It would be totally awesome IMO. But…there is a thing: I think that even putting together all these countries and languages you mentioned above, would still be far away if comparing with the 200 million brazilians out there (and only brazilians, imagine including Portugal, Africa, etc)?

Sorry, I couldn’t hold my breath…but I think this is so stupid. We are living in a borderless world nowadays and the generic language spoken is english. I have never seen a forum that acts as a support, written in several of different languages…

Sure youre welcome to not hold your breath! Its a public FORUM isnt it? If you think it is stupid, well, that is just your own opinion, if you get as many people thinking like you as sufficient to close this new Portuguese Forum by their founders - **Ansca Mobile** so you get this "stupidity" trashed out. Everything is a Try at first, you may do it as its your right to think like this.

No offense but how should I manage to get help from the forum if I can’t understand whats written? The forum is my waterhole where I search and find solutions for my problems. So, do I have to get a spanish lesson now, so that I can search for the topics I am looking for? And next week, a Swahili lesson? This is a bad idea…really bad…

Here I honestly do not understand you. If Asnca have already English Forums, Spanish Forums and now Portuguese one, WHY would you care about what you do not understand like here?! Go your way for the English forums and be happy! As you even said, this forum right here is going to be much less “movimented”/ frequented than the English ones so why bother about it as you can be happy with your English ones? :wink:
Rodrigo. [import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107410[/import]

  1. Okey, statistic is always fun and easy to mess up. My point is that the most of the worlds population knows english and understand some. English is today the most common language spoken in technical forums, world wide.

  2. No its not a standard to follow but thats the case. You have to show me the changes first, then I will take a spanish lesson.

  3. I agree in some parts, but I just want to ask you - are you gone stop searching with english terms now when u got a spanish spoken forum? I guess not, and thats my point - all technincal information on the net is written in english, guessing about 90%. Why try to change that?

  4. No, English is the preferred language for technicals.

Haha, I don’t know english either and my grammar is bad, as my spelling. But it perfect against my spanish talent.

@RCdev, the point is that I am using this forum to find answers. It has always been in English and I prefer to search with English, thats the only second language I know. What should I do if I caught a search result and all the sentence is written in spanish? If you get your Spanish forum, then I want my swedish forum…Are you following me? I guess you would be pissed if you got trapped in a swedish forum post and the solution was there, wouldn’t you?

[import]uid: 81188 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107411[/import]

Quote “Here I honestly do not understand you. If Asnca have already English Forums, Spanish Forums and now Portuguese one, WHY would you care about what you do not understand like here?! Go your way for the English forums and be happy! As you even said, this forum right here is going to be much less “movimented”/ frequented than the English ones so why bother about it as you can be happy with your English ones? ;)”

Well, if i search for a lua term or API I could end up in your spanish forum - understanding nada.

Why even batter to set up a forum thats gone be less “mobimented” / frequent?

Ok, I am leaving now and wishes you the best with your own party house…
[import]uid: 81188 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107413[/import]

Well, if i search for a lua term or API I could end up in your spanish forum - understanding nada.

NO! Its Portuguese not Spanish, sorry. Considering that, Yes, youre right! And so you could solve this situation like us (non-english people) do actually: Translate everything with the help of Google Translator and pray to understand. It`s the tool for many here I know - as it is for me many times - even though you need a good sense to understand some times. (side-note question: so did you found this new forum when searching for APIs? Here still does not have any post regarding APIs and even any code at all).

Why even batter to set up a forum thats gone be less “mobimented” / frequent?
Because there are out there still people that would feel much welcomed speaking their own languages and still being able to be part of the growing CoronaSDK Community IMO.

Ok, I am leaving now and wishes you the best with your own party house…
Fortunatelly it`s not a “party house” for me, and I hope that it will also not be seen like this by other users. Only the TIME will tell the true, let it be without being bothered.


[import]uid: 89165 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107425[/import]

We have a Spanish sub forum and have for a VERY long time. Carlos speaks Spanish and English fluently. A Portuguese sub forum for those users is also a good idea.

As to other sub forums for different languages, absolutely - if anyone wants to help out with a sub forum for their native language I’ll make sure we sort that out.

Joakim, if you want to donate your time and efforts to help out users with their problems in in Swedish then by all means email me - peach[at]anscamobile - if you are willing to put in your time and effort to help non-native English speakers just like Rodrigo is then we would be more than happy to accommodate you.

Peach :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 107551[/import]

i also wanna apply a Chinese sub forum
who i can apply?

@peach pellen
can i apply one ?
[import]uid: 25057 topic_id: 26434 reply_id: 108184[/import]