Thank You From CrossInstall

Big thanks to all the great developers and publishers out there who have checked in, signed up, and maybe even loaded an app with us at CrossInstall. We appreciate you joining up.

As you move forward with your integration, we urge you to reach out to us with any questions, comments, or suggestions. We are here to help.

We also want to know how WE can improve the platform and make things easier and more streamlined for YOU GUYS. So along the way if there are any issues that pop up, or if there is anything we can do to make the process work better for you, please reach out and let us know.

We have built CrossInstall with the goal of making it a fast and simple way for developers to generate revenue so they can concentrate on making great new games.

Thanks again to all who have signed up and if you haven’t please check us out at

First of all, to the folks at CrossInstall I want to say thanks for making a plugin that works, fills ads, and a sign up process that is painless.  I have had lots of problems with Admob simply not working lately, Inmobi is still trying to figure out after 2 days how to allow me to log into their site, Inneractive has yet after 48 hours to give me an app ID, and Pinsight wants me to tell them how many ads they will need to serve my app per month before setting me up with access to their site.  I have no idea what the performance of CrossInstall will turn out to be in terms of monetizing my apps, but I am certainly going to give it a try. 

In terms of a question I am wondering how you recommend centering the banner horizontally?  I thought: “banner”, “bottom”, { x=(_W*.5) - 160, y=yMin, w=320, h=50, timeout=30 } )

where _W is my screen width would be the ticket but it seems to put me at the left.  However x=_W*.5 only gave me half my ad.  Looking forward to hearing from you.

First of all, to the folks at CrossInstall I want to say thanks for making a plugin that works, fills ads, and a sign up process that is painless.  I have had lots of problems with Admob simply not working lately, Inmobi is still trying to figure out after 2 days how to allow me to log into their site, Inneractive has yet after 48 hours to give me an app ID, and Pinsight wants me to tell them how many ads they will need to serve my app per month before setting me up with access to their site.  I have no idea what the performance of CrossInstall will turn out to be in terms of monetizing my apps, but I am certainly going to give it a try. 

In terms of a question I am wondering how you recommend centering the banner horizontally?  I thought: “banner”, “bottom”, { x=(_W*.5) - 160, y=yMin, w=320, h=50, timeout=30 } )

where _W is my screen width would be the ticket but it seems to put me at the left.  However x=_W*.5 only gave me half my ad.  Looking forward to hearing from you.