The display.colorSample() function does not work correctly


The display.colorSample() function does not work correctly.

More details:

JSON = require('json')
CX, CY = display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY

local rect = display.newRect(CX, CY, 100, 100)

timer.performWithDelay(1000, function()
    display.colorSample(CX, CY,

        local r, g, b = event.r, event.g, event.b
        r, g, b = tonumber(r)*255, tonumber(g)*255, tonumber(b)*255

        print(r, g, b, JSON.encode(event))


end, 1)

Output: 0 0 0 {“y”:512,“x”:384,“name”:“colorSample”,“r”:0,“a”:0,“g”:0,“b”:0}

But I assumed that there would be 1 1 1 {“y”:512,“x”:384,“name”:“colorSample”,“r”:1,“a”:1,“g”:1"b":1}, since the rect object is still white color

Your code, in isolation as posted, is working for me as expected.

Have you test it on an empty project?

Your code is working for me as expected.
I tested with Solar2D Simulator 2024.3704

No, project not empty. But I don’t understand what this could be related to…

I have already tested the code in an empty project, but the problem remains the same

I have updated Solar 2D to the latest version and everything works, but when building in .apk it gives an error. Well, that’s a completely different story…