The Haunt - A creepy new point-n-click adventure - Check out the trailer!

Hi all,

I thought I would share our latest project…which is nearing completion. We are about 80% complete now and hoping to release in July.

Curious to know what you all think.

Link to the youTube trailer:

(I would embed the video here…but I can’t figure out how…sorry)
maybe a staffer will do it for me…or put in in the forum formatting options help

Here are a few screenshots:

If interested, you can check out more screenshots on our TouchArcade Thread here:

Thanks for stopping by and checking it out!

Furious Apps
[import]uid: 9492 topic_id: 27053 reply_id: 327053[/import]

Looks awesome!
[import]uid: 50459 topic_id: 27053 reply_id: 109854[/import]

Absolutely gorgeous! [import]uid: 80100 topic_id: 27053 reply_id: 109864[/import]

Loving the artwork :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 27053 reply_id: 109870[/import]

Thanks everyone for the kudos. Glad to hear you like it!

Hey Peach…
How do I embed the youTube video in the OP? [import]uid: 9492 topic_id: 27053 reply_id: 109891[/import]

You can’t, which I know is ridiculous - we are hoping to improve the forum soon which will fix that along with the horrible search we currently use :wink: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 27053 reply_id: 109969[/import]

I would really like to give you props for the great artwork, but with the butterflies hanging over the fireplace, I really don’t think I can. [import]uid: 7116 topic_id: 27053 reply_id: 109993[/import]

Thanks for the info Peach…

Thanks Alex for the props. Don’t worry…there is a point in the game to the butterflies. :slight_smile: [import]uid: 9492 topic_id: 27053 reply_id: 110019[/import]

I don’t think you understood my statement - I don’t think I can give you props because of the butterflies (which look too familiar to a game I have on my iPhone). [import]uid: 7116 topic_id: 27053 reply_id: 110038[/import]

Hi Alex,

I assume you are a being a bit tongue and cheek of course.

Any resemblance of the butterflies to another game is unintentional. If anything…its a shout out to the amazing trailblazer Grisley Manor…but only indirectly.

The butterflies on the wall are being used as a lure for you to tap on it (which is why it stands out so much). In the middle is a large Moth. In the game, you collect moths which are then used as currency. The butterflies introduce this gameplay element to you. You can spend moths you find in the game to unlock in-game hints. There are several brown moths hidden throughout the game. Many are very hard to find.

Hopefully this clears up butterfly-gate. :slight_smile: [import]uid: 9492 topic_id: 27053 reply_id: 110068[/import]


Finally…the Haunt is now available on the appstore!
You can check out screenshots and previews on our website at:

Download the app on iTunes here: [import]uid: 9492 topic_id: 27053 reply_id: 117061[/import]

Took long enough! :wink: Looking forward to checking it out. [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 27053 reply_id: 117221[/import]