For those wondering, I received this email from the App Review Team at Apple when I inquired about the review process (some parts removed).
Hello Raphael,
Thank you for contacting the App Review team about your app. I understand that you would like to know if your app will start at the beginning of the review process again.
To answer your first question, each binary submission, regardless of whether an app is Developer Rejected or Rejected by the review team, restarts the review process and resets the review clock from the beginning. At this time your app is Waiting For Review. This status means that your app has been added to the App Review queue but has not yet started the review process.
So, if your app binary gets rejected for any reason, the whole thing starts over again. If your metadata in iTunes Connect gets rejected due to content, you might not have to wait as long, since the binary is the part that takes the longest and they don’t reset the entire review clock for minor issues such as that.
There you have it. Average wait times right now is anywhere from 5 to 15 days, and you can always check web pages like Shiny Development’s App Review Time, or just keep tabs on the Twitter hashtag #iosreviewtime.
Good luck with your development!