The "Official" Place to Post Feature Requests

There are feature requests scattered all over this forum and while I tried to copy them out into a master list, I know I missed some. Plus, I’ve received requests via email, Zendesk, Twitter, carrier pigeon, etc.

So I’m going to try something new:

That’s the home of the Official Corona Project Manager Wish List.

What I *love* about it is that it gives everyone 10 votes so you can not only post your own ideas, but you can vote for other ideas that you’d like to see implemented. No, CPM isn’t a democracy, but I like to think of myself as a benevolent dictator and the more votes something has, the more likely I am to add it.

(When I add a feature you get the vote for that back to use on another idea.)

So if you want to see your idea added in a new version of CPM, go post it!


PS - Don’t post that you want v3 as a “feature” – it’s coming!

[import]uid: 9440 topic_id: 22635 reply_id: 322635[/import]

Did it. Done it. Look forward to what happens. [import]uid: 7710 topic_id: 22635 reply_id: 90289[/import]