The problem with the first build

12:22:55.149 Excluding specified files from build:
12:22:55.149 excluding: LaunchScreen.storyboardc
12:22:55.149 excluding: Icon.png
12:22:55.149 excluding: Icon-*dpi.png
12:22:55.149 excluding: Images.xcassets
12:22:55.149 Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Duser.language=en
12:22:55.149 Checking the license for package Android SDK Platform 33 in C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Corona Labs\sdk\licenses
12:22:55.149 License for package Android SDK Platform 33 accepted.
12:22:55.149 Preparing “Install Android SDK Platform 33 (revision: 3)”.
12:22:55.149 Warning: Package “” (platforms;android-33) should be installed in
12:22:55.149 “C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Corona Labs\sdk\platforms\android-33” but
12:22:55.149 it already exists.
12:22:55.149 Installing in “C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Corona Labs\sdk\platforms\android-33-3” instead.
12:22:55.149 “Install Android SDK Platform 33 (revision: 3)” ready.
12:22:55.149 Installing Android SDK Platform 33 in C:\WINDOWS\Temp\Corona Labs\sdk\platforms\android-33-3
12:22:55.149 “Install Android SDK Platform 33 (revision: 3)” complete.
12:22:55.149 “Install Android SDK Platform 33 (revision: 3)” finished.
12:22:55.149 FAILURE: Build failed with an exception.
12:22:55.149 * What went wrong:
12:22:55.149 Could not determine the dependencies of task ‘:App:lintVitalReportRelease’.
12:22:55.149 > Could not create task ‘:App:lintVitalAnalyzeRelease’.
12:22:55.149 > java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Windows\Temp\Corona Labs.gradle\android.lock
12:22:55.149 * Try:
12:22:55.149 > Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace.
12:22:55.149 > Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output.
12:22:55.149 > Run with --scan to get full insights.
12:22:55.149 * Get more help at
12:22:55.149 BUILD FAILED in 3m 18s
12:22:55.401 Android build failed (1) after 202 seconds

Hello everyone, I have been studying Solar2d for several months now. Mostly on the computer. Now I was able to afford a laptop and downloaded it to a laptop. But when I try to build a project, I get an error. Who has encountered this, Can you help?

I had the same problem a while ago. The reason is as stated, “java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: C:\Windows\Temp\Corona Labs.gradle\android.lock”. You must allow access to C:\Windows\Temp. This is a pure Windows operation, browse the the folder and allow Read/Write to this folder.

Hope this solves you problem!