Things to do when Apple Developer site is down

If you are at a loss while you cannot access your developer account for things like device IDs, provisioning profiles, adhoc profiles etc then there are plenty of things you could be  doing instead of pulling your hair out. Things that you do not normally have time doing while you are immersed in finalizing your release.

Using this time with productive things will make you fell better and time wont be wasted. I am hearing a lot of frustration around from fellow developers but there is nothing you can do about the situation. It could be weeks so don’t waste time waiting. Try to make use of the time. Its a great opportunity to do things like:

search for review sites an email them about upcoming app

search for forums and do the same

create a press pack email everywhere

update Twitter+Facebook groups

updated and improve website

make a video demo

update Youtube

prototype new ideas that you wouldnt normally think about doing

plan an update with new features

add even more polish to graphics and add nice touches to your app while its waiting

look for more stores to publish to