Three miscellaneous items (Mac version)

A few things I thought might be worth reporting:

Item 1: indent problem
* Put cursor at start of indented line
* Press enter
* The line unindents instead of simply adding a carriage return

Item 2: output spamming
* Sometimes when I start CIDER, I get repeated messages in the Output window like so:

Parser registeredcom.MYDevelopers.LuaSupport.jccparser.LuaParser@10d5e0d
dispatch parser listeners 1
Parser registeredcom.MYDevelopers.LuaSupport.jccparser.LuaParser@1182c93
dispatch parser listeners 1
Parser registeredcom.MYDevelopers.LuaSupport.jccparser.LuaParser@1ef90e0
dispatch parser listeners 1
Parser registeredcom.MYDevelopers.LuaSupport.jccparser.LuaParser@1b0ff53
dispatch parser listeners 1
Parser registeredcom.MYDevelopers.LuaSupport.jccparser.LuaParser@1ef84d9
dispatch parser listeners 1

Usually there is only one, but sometimes there’s a whole screen full of them.

Item 3: block comments
* If you add a hyphen to a line that starts a block comment, like so:
—[[ indicates this should convert it to a single-line comment, but CIDER seems to treat the block as still commented out. [import]uid: 117162 topic_id: 28268 reply_id: 328268[/import]

Hello gtellgtell,

Thanks for the report.

Item1 is not occurring as of v 1.6 beta

item 2 is also fixed, the output is not spammed.

item 3 is also fixed, may lexer/parser issues are fixed.

If you would like to help us out and test out 1.6 please send us an email

M.Y. Developers [import]uid: 55057 topic_id: 28268 reply_id: 114260[/import]

I’ve now sent a beta request through your site’s contact form. Thanks! [import]uid: 117162 topic_id: 28268 reply_id: 114315[/import]