Sorry for the unclear title, I’m having difficult to explain myself in a few words.
I’m working with Tiled and I’m facing an annoying problem that would be great to fix.
In my tilesed I set a few properties (variables) to any tile I use, in order not to have to set it manually any time I put this tile on a map.
But when I put this tile on a map (in a object layer, I’m not using tile layers), the property I set appears in grey, and it does not appear in the exported file. In order to make it work I have to click on it, change something and press enter. In this case it becomes black and works.
This is very annoying: the tileloader I made in corona requires any object to have a “type” property, plus other variables are needed in order to make physics and other scripts work. It is really frustrating to set it manually to any object I put on a map, when it could be a lot easier to set them in the tileset and have them working for any object.