Tiled error

I’ve being trying to put the map I made in tiled but I get an error: 

 ERROR: Tile layer encoding/compression not supported. Choose CSV or XML in map options.

I’ve already tried in lua, Json, putting the sprites and the file at the same folder, and I read some forums, but nothing works.

local tiled = require "com.ponywolf.ponytiled" local physics = require "physics" local json = require "json" local mapData = require "mapa.streets" local map = tiled.new(mapData) -- I also tried putting the path

I’ve not used Ponytiled myself, but when you export from Tiled, if you open the resulting file in a text editor you’ll see the references to the sprite images use full paths. If Ponytiled works the same as Qiso, you’ll need to edit those paths to just reference the filename as well as moving the files in to the same folder. I.e. make the paths relative to the directory you’re packaging the assets into.

@richard11 Thank you so much!!, that worked, but now I have other problem, the images don’t load in the simulator 

Most of the tiled engines that work with Corona require your tiles to be “external tilesets”. You might want to check that.

Are you getting any errors in your Corona console log?


I solved, it was that I didn´t notice on X & Y positions and it was my error, sorry, but by the way, thank you so much!!

I’ve not used Ponytiled myself, but when you export from Tiled, if you open the resulting file in a text editor you’ll see the references to the sprite images use full paths. If Ponytiled works the same as Qiso, you’ll need to edit those paths to just reference the filename as well as moving the files in to the same folder. I.e. make the paths relative to the directory you’re packaging the assets into.

@richard11 Thank you so much!!, that worked, but now I have other problem, the images don’t load in the simulator 

Most of the tiled engines that work with Corona require your tiles to be “external tilesets”. You might want to check that.

Are you getting any errors in your Corona console log?


I solved, it was that I didn´t notice on X & Y positions and it was my error, sorry, but by the way, thank you so much!!