Tiled functionality

Hey @sdktester15.  I don’t know how your artwork is organized and to be honest, I’m really newbie with Tiled and building apps with tiles. But from what I can tell, you need to use various layers. You can use a layer for a parallax background. Then a foreground layer that holds tiles that are not interacted with. For instance in sticker knight, the castle tiles appear behind your player. Then you would have a layer of objects that holds the things you will interact with like platforms, monsters, coins etc.  These objects may not be tiles. I might just have a saw as a single object in the same layer as the player that’s not necessarily tiles. 

As said above @ponywolf’s videos and tutorials are really helpful in particular if you’re going to use his engine.


Thanks, there is still more I need to learn about Tiled.

I’ve spent only 2-3 days with Tiled so far but:

  1. Yes, you can select as many tiles as you want from the tileset (click & drag) and then place them on the map with the Stamp Brush tool. Seems to work only for tile (not object) layers though.

  2. You can place those tiles in a separate layer and then get them as a display group in code with findLayer(). You can then transform (rotate, etc) the group. The other approach would be to use the tiles to assemble a mini map and export that map as an image; then import the image back into Tiled and use it as a single object/tile.

There might be better/smarter ways.