The situation is i have a a countUp timer that stars from 0 to up at first the counts is 1,2,3,4 and after going to my menu and going back to that scene what happens is 2,4,6,8 and 3,6,9,12 this is what happens everytime i go back to the scene.
gameplay with Timer Scene
local composer = require( "composer" ) local scene = composer.newScene() local \_W = display.contentWidth local \_H = display.contentHeight local mF = math.floor local mR = math.random local widget = require "widget" -- Load our utils and main categories local utils = require("helpers.globals") local categories = require("helpers.additionDifficulty") local averageFont = "fonts/Sketch3D" -- Display Groups local screenGroup local quizGroup -- Holds the quiz UI etc local uiGroup -- Holds the navBar on other UI local overGroup -- Only created when we tap on the pause button or get gameover -- Game variables local category = {} -- The chosen category once loaded. local questions = {} -- The category quiz questions once loaded. local colour = {} -- Category colour once loaded local onCategory = 0 -- Tracks the category we are on (used for gameOver) local onQuestion = 0 -- Tracks the question we are on local currentScore = 0 -- The player's score local timePerQuestion = 0 -- Set in categories.lua. 0 removes the timer. local timerEnabled = true -- Stops or allows our countdown timer, based off timePerQuestion local touchEnabled = false -- Stops button touches difficulty = 12 -- Transitions and timers local delay\_timer -- Game over delay for changing scene local timer\_trans -- Transition for our timer local result\_trans -- Transition for "Correct!" local countUpText local clockTimer local gameTime = 0 -- Display objects local over\_rect -- Pre-declare so we can alter it from the day/night button as well. local question\_rect -- Pre-declare so we can access anywhere local timer\_rect local timer\_bar -- The countdown bar local label\_question -- The question number label local label\_result -- The "Correct" text label local answer\_rect -- Functions local updateScore local startTimer local gameOver local buttonTouched local createQuestion --variable for pause local pauseButton local pauseScreen ----------------------------------------------- --\*\*\* OTHER FUNCTIONS \*\*\* ----------------------------------------------- -- Button touched buttonTouched = function(event) local t = local id = if event.phase == "began" and touchEnabled == true then display.getCurrentStage():setFocus( t ) t.isFocus = true if id == "answer" then t.alpha = 0.6 else t.xScale = 0.9 t.yScale = 0.9 end elseif t.isFocus then if event.phase == "ended" then display.getCurrentStage():setFocus( nil ) t.isFocus = false if id == "answer" then t.alpha = 1 else t.xScale = 1 t.yScale = 1 end -- Check that touch finished in the button. local b = t.contentBounds if event.x \>= b.xMin and event.x \<= b.xMax and event.y \>= b.yMin and event.y \<= b.yMax then utils.playSound("select") if id == "answer" then if timer\_trans ~= nil then transition.cancel(timer\_trans) timer\_trans = nil end if result\_trans ~= nil then transition.cancel(result\_trans) result\_trans = nil end if label\_result ~= nil then display.remove(label\_result) label\_result = nil end -- Show some text that we can transition label\_result = display.newText({parent=uiGroup, text="", font=averageFont, fontSize=75}) label\_result.anchorX = 0 label\_result.x = label\_question.x - 540 label\_result.y = label\_question.y + 400 if t.index == questions[onQuestion].answer then label\_result.text = "Correct!" label\_result:setFillColor(0,0.6,0) utils.playSound("score") updateScore(1) else label\_result.text = "Incorrect..." label\_result:setFillColor(0.8,0,0) utils.playSound("incorrect") end result\_trans =\_result, {time=1600, alpha=0.1, y=label\_result.y-18, onComplete=function() display.remove(label\_result) label\_result = nil end}) -- Now create the next quesiton createQuestion() timer.cancel(clockTimer) end end end end return true end -- End the game gameOver = function() touchEnabled = false utils.playSound("gameover") delay\_timer = timer.performWithDelay(600, function() utils.playSound("clap") composer.gotoScene( "scenes.gameOver", {effect="slideLeft", time=300, params={ currentScore=currentScore, onCategory=onCategory, numQuestions="10", }}) end, 1) end -- Easily add to our score, also controls the +1 animation updateScore = function(amount) if amount ~= nil then currentScore = currentScore + amount label\_question.text = currentScore .. " / 10" end end -- Update our timer bar. startTimer = function(delay) if timerEnabled == true and timer\_bar ~= nil then if timer\_trans ~= nil then transition.cancel(timer\_trans) timer\_trans = nil end clockTimer = timer.performWithDelay(1000,doCountup,gameTime) -- Reset xScale and set delay local time = timePerQuestion \* 1000 local startDelay = delay timer\_bar.xScale = 1 if startDelay == nil then startDelay = 0 end timer\_trans =\_bar, {time=time, delay=startDelay, xScale=0, onComplete=function() createQuestion() end}) end end function doCountup() currentTime = currentTime +1 countUpText.text = currentTime if(currentTime == 0) then countUpText.text = currentTime startTimer() end end local physics = require("physics") physics.start() local tur local base = display.newImage ( "images1/base.png" ) base.x = 500 base.y = 1700 local turret = display.newImage ( "images1/AstroGun.png" ) turret.width = 200 turret.height = 400 turret.x = 500 turret.y = 1700 dangle = 0 function range(x1,y1,x2,y2) return math.sqrt((x2-x1)^2 + (y2-y1)^2) end local function turret\_rotation( event ) turret: rotate(-dangle) local a = (event.x or 42)-(base.x or 42) local b = (event.y or 42)-(base.y or 42) dangle = math.deg(math.atan2(b,a)) + 90 --print (dangle) turret: rotate(dangle) if event.phase == "ended" then local blast = display.newImage ( "images1/bluePlanet.png" ) blast.width = 200 blast.height = 200 blast.x = 500 blast.y = 1700 uiGroup: insert(blast) uiGroup: insert(turret), { time=range(base.x,base.y,event.x,event.y)\*1 , x = event.x, y = event.y, transition = easing.inOutExpo}) timer.performWithDelay(1000, myclosure, 1) end end -- Create a quesiton, iterates. createQuestion = function() -- Add one timerEnabled = true onQuestion = onQuestion + 1 -- Make sure we have a question and haven't finished. if questions[onQuestion] == nil or onQuestion \> 10 then gameOver() else -- Remove anything old for i=quizGroup.numChildren, 1, -1 do if quizGroup[i] ~= nil then display.remove(quizGroup[i]) quizGroup[i] = nil end end -- Start out timer, add a delay if we are on quesiton 1 local delay = 0 if onQuestion == 1 then delay = 1000 end startTimer(delay) -- Create the question and answers. local numberX = 32 local questionX = 24 local questionW = \_W-(questionX\*2) local q = questions[onQuestion] local image if q.image ~= nil and q.image.file ~= nil then image = display.newImageRect(quizGroup, q.image.file, q.image.width, q.image.height) image.anchorX = 0 image.x = numberX/2 image.y = question\_rect.y+question\_rect.height/2 questionX = image.x + image.width + numberX/2 questionW = \_W-questionX-numberX end local question = display.newText({parent=quizGroup, text=q.question, width=questionW, height=0, font=averageFont, fontSize=175}) question.x = 190 question.y = question\_rect.y+question\_rect.height/2 question.anchorX = 0 question:setFillColor(1) local areaPadding = 5 local topPadding = 16 local answerOffset = 6 local area = answer\_rect.width - (areaPadding\*2.5) local answerHeight = (area-topPadding-(answerOffset\*#q.answers))/#q.answers local textX = numberX + 20 local textW = \_W - textX - 24 local y = answer\_rect.x + areaPadding + topPadding local howManyAnswers = #q.answers -- make sure answers fit screen size if neccessary decrease answerHeight local offset = (\_W - (howManyAnswers \* (answerHeight+answerOffset) - answerOffset)) \* 0.5 for i=1, howManyAnswers do rect = display.newImage(quizGroup, "images1/averageAsteroid.png",offset + (answerHeight+answerOffset)\*(i-1), y+100, answerHeight, answerHeight) rect.anchorX, rect.anchorY = 0, 0 rect.width = 350 rect.height = 300 = "answer" rect.index = i rect:addEventListener("touch", buttonTouched) rect: addEventListener("touch", turret\_rotation) local label = display.newText({parent=quizGroup, text=i..".", font=averageFont, fontSize=20}) label.x = rect.x - answerOffset \* 0.5 label.y = rect.y + 0.5 \* rect.height label.anchorX = 0 label:setFillColor(0.4) local answer = display.newText({parent=quizGroup, text=q.answers[i], width=textW, height=0, font=averageFont, fontSize=150}) answer.x = rect.x + rect.width \* 0.3 answer.y = rect.y + rect.height \* 0.5 answer.anchorX = 0 answer:setFillColor(1) end end end local pauseGame = function(event) if (timerEnabled==false and pauseScreen.alpha == 0 ) then timerEnabled=true transition.pause( "transTag" ) timer.pause(clockTimer) pauseScreen.alpha = 1 touchEnabled = false elseif (timerEnabled==true) then timerEnabled=false transition.resume( "transTag" ) timer.resume(clockTimer) pauseScreen.alpha = 0 touchEnabled = true end return true end local pauseButtonPress = function( event ) pauseGame() end ----------------------------------------------- -- \*\*\* COMPOSER SCENE EVENT FUNCTIONS \*\*\* ----------------------------------------------- -- Called when the scene's view does not exist: -- Create all your display objects here. function scene:create( event ) -- Setup our groups screenGroup = self.view uiGroup = display.newGroup() quizGroup = display.newGroup() screenGroup:insert(uiGroup) screenGroup:insert(quizGroup) -- Set our categories and questions if event.params then if event.params.category then onCategory = event.params.category category = categories[onCategory] questions = require( category.questions ) colour = category.colour timePerQuestion = category.timePerQuestion if timePerQuestion == nil or timePerQuestion == 0 then timerEnabled = false end end end -- Display our UI options = { title = "Average - Addition", } local navBar = utils.createNavBar(options) uiGroup:insert(navBar) local top = navBar.y + navBar.height local height = \_H - top question\_rect = display.newRect(uiGroup, \_W\*0.5, top, \_W, 400 ) question\_rect.anchorY = 0 question\_rect:setFillColor(colour[1], colour[2], colour[3]) timer\_rect = display.newRect(uiGroup, \_W\*0.5, question\_rect.y+question\_rect.height, \_W, 50 ) timer\_rect.anchorY = 0 timer\_rect:setFillColor(0.7,0.3,1) answer\_rect = display.newRect(uiGroup, \_W\*0.5, timer\_rect.y+timer\_rect.height, \_W, \_H-(timer\_rect.y+timer\_rect.height)) answer\_rect.anchorY = 0 answer\_rect:setFillColor(0.9) -- Now the score/quesiton num/time remaining if timerEnabled == true then timer\_bar = display.newRect(uiGroup, 0, timer\_rect.y+timer\_rect.height-20, \_W, 35) timer\_bar.anchorX = 0 timer\_bar:setFillColor(0.7,1,1) end label\_question = display.newText({parent=uiGroup, text="0 / 10", font=easyFont, fontSize=75}) label\_question.x = \_W\*0.9 label\_question.y = timer\_rect.y+-450 local pauseButton= widget.newButton{ defaultFile = "images1/Buttons/Pause.png", onRelease = pauseButtonPress, } pauseButton.x = 100 pauseButton.y = 90 currentTime = 0 countUpText = display.newText("0",259,50,native.systemFontBold,100) countUpText:setTextColor("#000000") background = display.newImage(uiGroup, "images1/averageBackground.png", display.contentHeight, display.contentWidth) background.anchorX = 0 background.anchorY = 0 background.x, background.y = 0, 0 pauseScreen = display.newImageRect("images1/PauseScreen.png", 1000, 1500) pauseScreen.alpha = 0 pauseScreen.width = 1080 pauseScreen.height = 1800 pauseScreen.x = 540 pauseScreen.y = 1050 pauseButton:addEventListener("touch", pauseButtonPress) pauseScreen:addEventListener("touch", buttonTouched) -- Now make our first question createQuestion() uiGroup:insert(background) uiGroup:insert(navBar) uiGroup:insert(countUpText) uiGroup:insert(pauseButton) uiGroup:insert(timer\_rect) uiGroup:insert(timer\_bar) uiGroup:insert(label\_question) uiGroup:insert(base) uiGroup:insert(turret) end function scene:show( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local phase = event.phase if ( phase == "will" ) then -- Called when the scene is still off screen (but is about to come on screen). elseif ( phase == "did" ) then -- Called when the scene is now on screen. -- Insert code here to make the scene come alive. -- Example: start timers, begin animation, play audio, etc. composer.removeHidden() -- Now that the scene has appeared, allow touch touchEnabled = true end end function scene:hide( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local phase = event.phase if ( phase == "will" ) then -- Called when the scene is on screen (but is about to go off screen). -- Insert code here to "pause" the scene. -- Example: stop timers, stop animation, stop audio, etc. touchEnabled = false -- Stop transitions if needed if timer\_trans then transition.cancel(timer\_trans) timer\_trans = nil end if result\_trans then transition.cancel(result\_trans) result\_trans = nil end if delay\_timer ~= nil then timer.cancel(delay\_timer) delay\_timer = nil end elseif ( phase == "did" ) then -- Called immediately after scene goes off screen. end end function scene:destroy( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view -- Called prior to the removal of scene's view ("sceneGroup"). -- Insert code here to clean up the scene. -- Example: remove display objects, save state, etc. end -- Then add the listeners for the above functions scene:addEventListener( "create", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "show", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "hide", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "destroy", scene ) return scene
createQuestion = function() -- Add one timerEnabled = true onQuestion = onQuestion + 1 -- Make sure we have a question and haven't finished. if questions[onQuestion] == nil or onQuestion \> 10 then gameOver() else -- Remove anything old for i=quizGroup.numChildren, 1, -1 do if quizGroup[i] ~= nil then display.remove(quizGroup[i]) quizGroup[i] = nil end end -- Start out timer, add a delay if we are on quesiton 1 local delay = 0 if onQuestion == 1 then delay = 1000 end startTimer(delay) -- Create the question and answers. local numberX = 32 local questionX = 24 local questionW = \_W-(questionX\*2) local q = questions[onQuestion] local image if q.image ~= nil and q.image.file ~= nil then image = display.newImageRect(quizGroup, q.image.file, q.image.width, q.image.height) image.anchorX = 0 image.x = numberX/2 image.y = question\_rect.y+question\_rect.height/2 questionX = image.x + image.width + numberX/2 questionW = \_W-questionX-numberX end local question = display.newText({parent=quizGroup, text=q.question, width=questionW, height=0, font=easyFont, fontSize=175}) question.x = questionX + 300 question.y = question\_rect.y+question\_rect.height/2 question.anchorX = 0 question:setFillColor(1) -- The answers all need to fit in the bottom area, so we make sure they can! local areaPadding = 3 -- Top and bottom padding local topPadding = 160 -- Extra padding for the top for some added space local answerOffset = 40 -- y offset per answer local area = answer\_rect.width - (areaPadding\*2) local answerHeight = (area-topPadding-(answerOffset\*#q.answers))/#q.answers local textX = numberX + 20 local textW = \_W - textX - 24 for i=1, #q.answers do local y = answer\_rect.y + areaPadding + topPadding + ((answerHeight+answerOffset)\*(i-1)) rect = display.newImage(quizGroup,"images1/Buttons/difficultyBtn.png", \_W\*0.5, y, \_W\*0.5, answerHeight) rect.width = 600 rect.height = 280 rect.anchorY = 0 = "answer" rect.index = i rect:setFillColor(0,0.3,0.7) rect:addEventListener("touch", buttonTouched) local answer = display.newText({parent=quizGroup, text=q.answers[i], width=textW, height=0, font=easyFont, fontSize=150}) answer.x = rect.x + rect.width \* -0.16 answer.y = rect.y + rect.height \* 0.5 answer.anchorX = 0 answer:setFillColor(1) end end end
menu Scene
---- ------------------------------------------------------------------------- local composer = require( "composer" ) local scene = composer.newScene() ----------------------------------------------- --\*\*\* Set up our variables etc \*\*\* ----------------------------------------------- -- Some handy maths vars local \_W = display.contentWidth local \_H = display.contentHeight local mF = math.floor -- Load our utils and main categories local utils = require("helpers.globals") local difficulties = require("helpers.additionDifficulty") local widget = require( "widget" ) -- Display Groups local screenGroup local uiGroup -- Variables local touchEnabled = false -- Functions local buttonTapped ----------------------------------------------- --\*\*\* OTHER FUNCTIONS \*\*\* ----------------------------------------------- -- Button tapped - For scrollView items buttonTapped = function(event) local t = local category = t.category if category ~= nil and touchEnabled == true then utils.playSound("select") composer.gotoScene(difficulties[category].sceneName, {effect="slideLeft", time=300, params={category=category}}) end return true end local function animate( event ) gear.rotation = gear.rotation + 1 end local function onbackBtnRelease() composer.gotoScene( "scenes.operationMenu", "fade", 250) local btnClick = audio.loadStream("sound/gameClick.wav", {channel = soundAudioChannel}) return true end ----------------------------------------------- -- \*\*\* COMPOSER SCENE EVENT FUNCTIONS \*\*\* ----------------------------------------------- -- Called when the scene's view does not exist: -- Create all your display objects here. function scene:create( event ) -- Setup our groups screenGroup = self.view uiGroup = display.newGroup() screenGroup:insert(uiGroup) -- Display our UI -- The top bar that is made in a utility function local options = { title = "Select Difficulty", backScene = nil, -- Set this to a scene name if you want a back button } local navBar = utils.createNavBar(options) local top = navBar.y + navBar.height local height = \_H - top -- Now our categories. These are just basic rectangles right now, but can be easily -- changed to an newImageRect if needed. local categoryHeight = 250 local categoryOffset =150 background = display.newImage("images1/mainBackground.png", display.contentHeight, display.contentWidth) background.anchorX = 0 background.anchorY = 0 background.x, background.y = 0, 0 uiGroup:insert(background) uiGroup:insert(navBar) gear = display.newImage( "images1/bluePlanet.png" ) gear.width = 1500 gear.height = 1500 gear.x = 540 gear.y = 1700 uiGroup:insert(gear) Runtime:addEventListener( "enterFrame", animate ); backBtn = widget.newButton{ defaultFile="images1/Buttons/BackButton2.png", overFile="images1/Buttons/BackButton.png", width=120, height=120, onRelease = onbackBtnRelease -- event listener function } backBtn.x = 100 backBtn.y = 85 uiGroup:insert(backBtn) for i=1, #difficulties do local colour = difficulties[i].colour local y = (i-0.5)\*(categoryHeight+categoryOffset) + (categoryHeight/1) local textX = 36 local textW = \_W-(textX\*2) - 64 -- an extra 64 for icons local rect = display.newImage("images1/Buttons/difficultyBtn.png", \_W\*0.5, y, \_W, categoryHeight ) rect.width = 700 rect.height = 250 rect.category = i rect:addEventListener("tap", buttonTapped) uiGroup:insert(rect) local arrow = display.newSprite(utils.uiSheet, {frames={utils.uiSheetInfo:getFrameIndex("arrow")}}) arrow.x = arrow.width/2 + 4 arrow.y = rect.y uiGroup:insert(arrow) local mainFont = "gomarice\_kaiju\_monster\_0.ttf" local title = display.newText({text=difficulties[i].title, x=textX, y=rect.y-6, width=textW, height=0, font=mainFont, fontSize=100}) title.anchorX = 0 title:setFillColor(1) uiGroup:insert(title) if difficulties[i].icon and difficulties[i].icon ~= "" then local icon = display.newSprite(utils.uiSheet, {frames={utils.uiSheetInfo:getFrameIndex(difficulties[i].icon)}}) icon.x = \_W - 40 icon.y = rect.y uiGroup:insert(icon) end end end function scene:show( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local phase = event.phase if ( phase == "will" ) then -- Called when the scene is still off screen (but is about to come on screen). elseif ( phase == "did" ) then -- Called when the scene is now on screen. -- Insert code here to make the scene come alive. -- Example: start timers, begin animation, play audio, etc. composer.removeHidden() -- Now that the scene has appeared, allow dragging etc touchEnabled = true end end function scene:hide( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local phase = event.phase if ( phase == "will" ) then -- Called when the scene is on screen (but is about to go off screen). -- Insert code here to "pause" the scene. -- Example: stop timers, stop animation, stop audio, etc. touchEnabled = false elseif ( phase == "did" ) then -- Called immediately after scene goes off screen. end end function scene:destroy( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view Runtime:removeEventListener("enterFrame", animate); -- Called prior to the removal of scene's view ("sceneGroup"). -- Insert code here to clean up the scene. -- Example: remove display objects, save state, etc. end -- Then add the listeners for the above functions scene:addEventListener( "create", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "show", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "hide", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "destroy", scene ) return scene
Gameover Scene.
local composer = require( "composer" ) local scene = composer.newScene() local currScene = composer.getSceneName( "scenes.mainMenu" ) local \_W = display.contentWidth local \_H = display.contentHeight local mF = math.floor local utils = require("helpers.globals") local categories = require("helpers.operations") local widget = require "widget" -- Display Groups local screenGroup local uiGroup -- Variables local touchEnabled = false local category = {} local onCategory = 0 local currentScore = 0 local oneStar = 2 local twoStar = 5 local threeStar = 10 local highscore = 0 local numQuestions = 0 local colour = {} -- Functions local buttonTouched ----------------------------------------------- --\*\*\* OTHER FUNCTIONS \*\*\* ----------------------------------------------- -- Button touched buttonTouched = function(event) local t = local id = if event.phase == "began" and touchEnabled == true then display.getCurrentStage():setFocus( t ) t.isFocus = true t.alpha = 0.6 elseif t.isFocus then if event.phase == "ended" then display.getCurrentStage():setFocus( nil ) t.isFocus = false t.alpha = 1 local b = t.contentBounds if event.x \>= b.xMin and event.x \<= b.xMax and event.y \>= b.yMin and event.y \<= b.yMax then utils.playSound("select") if id == "home" then composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.easy.easyAddition") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.easy.easySubtraction") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.easy.easyMultiplication") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.easy.easyDivision") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.average.averageAddition") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.average.averageSubtraction") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.average.averageMultiplication") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.average.averageDivision") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.difficult.averageAddition") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.difficult.averageSubtraction") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.difficult.averageMultiplication") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.difficult.averageDivision") composer.gotoScene( "scenes.mainMenu", {effect="slideRight", time=300}) end end end end return true end local function stopTouches( event ) return true end local function onOperationBtnRelease() composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.easy.easyAddition") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.easy.easySubtraction") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.easy.easyMultiplication") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.easy.easyDivision") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.average.averageAddition") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.average.averageSubtraction") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.average.averageMultiplication") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.average.averageDivision") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.difficult.averageAddition") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.difficult.averageSubtraction") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.difficult.averageMultiplication") composer.removeScene("helpers.questions.difficult.averageDivision") composer.gotoScene( "scenes.operationMenu", "fade", 250) local btnClick = audio.loadStream("sound/gameClick.wav", {channel = soundAudioChannel}) return true end -- after you create your background object. ----------------------------------------------- -- \*\*\* COMPOSER SCENE EVENT FUNCTIONS \*\*\* ----------------------------------------------- -- Called when the scene's view does not exist: -- Create all your display objects here. function scene:create( event ) -- Setup our groups screenGroup = self.view uiGroup = display.newGroup() screenGroup:insert(uiGroup) -- Set our category, score etc if event.params then if event.params.onCategory then onCategory = event.params.onCategory category = categories[onCategory] colour = category.colour end if event.params.currentScore then currentScore = event.params.currentScore end if event.params.currentTime then currentScore = event.params.currentTime end if event.params.numQuestions then numQuestions = event.params.numQuestions end end -- Display our UI -- The top bar that is made in a utility function local options = { title = options.title, } local navBar = utils.createNavBar(options) uiGroup:insert(navBar) -- Figure out if we need to save this currentScore as our highscore --local highscores = utils.loadFromJson("category\_scores") --if highscores[onCategory] ~= nil then --highscore = highscores[onCategory] --else --highscores[onCategory] = currentScore --end --if currentScore \> highscore then --highscore = currentScore --end --utils.saveToJson(highscores, "category\_scores") -- Now show our bg, score etc local background = display.newImage(uiGroup,"images1/GameOver.png", display.contentHeight, display.contentWidth) background.anchorX = 0 background.anchorY = 0 background.x, background.y = 0, 0 navBar:toFront() background:addEventListener( "touch", stopTouches ) background:addEventListener( "tap", stopTouches ) local score\_label\_1 = display.newText({parent=uiGroup, text="You scored", font=native.systemFont, fontSize=75, align="center"}) score\_label\_1.x = 540 score\_label\_1.y = 300 score\_label\_1:setFillColor(1) local score\_label\_2 = display.newText({parent=uiGroup, text=currentScore, font=native.systemFontBold, fontSize=128, align="center"}) score\_label\_2.x = score\_label\_1.x score\_label\_2.y = mF(score\_label\_1.y + score\_label\_1.height/2 + score\_label\_2.height/2 + 2) score\_label\_2:setFillColor(0.9,0.9,0) composer.setVariable("finalScore", currentScore) local time\_label = display.newText({parent=uiGroup, text=currentTime, font=native.systemFontBold, fontSize=128, align="center"}) time\_label.x = 540 time\_label.y = 750 time\_label:setFillColor(0.9,0.9,0) composer.setVariable("finalTime", currentTime) local time\_label\_1 = display.newText({parent=uiGroup, text="Time:", font=native.systemFont, fontSize=75, align="center"}) time\_label\_1.x = 350 time\_label\_1.y = 750 time\_label\_1:setFillColor(1) local score\_label\_3 = display.newText({parent=uiGroup, text="out of", font=native.systemFont, fontSize=75, align="center"}) score\_label\_3.x = \_W\*0.5 score\_label\_3.y = score\_label\_2.y + score\_label\_2.height/2 + score\_label\_3.height/2 + 12 score\_label\_3:setFillColor(1) local score\_label\_4 = display.newText({parent=uiGroup, text=numQuestions, font=native.systemFontBold, fontSize=80, align="center"}) score\_label\_4.x = score\_label\_1.x score\_label\_4.y = mF(score\_label\_3.y + score\_label\_3.height/2 + score\_label\_4.height/2 + 2) score\_label\_4:setFillColor(1) local noStar = display.newImage(uiGroup, "images1/NoRewardStar.png",display.contentHeight, display.contentWidth) noStar.x = 540 noStar.y = 1100 if currentScore == threeStar then local threeStars = display.newImage(uiGroup, "images1/3RewardStar.png", display.contentHeight, display.contentWidth ) threeStars.x = 540 threeStars.y = 1150 threeStars.alpha = 0 threeStars:scale(4, 4) threeStars, {time=1500, alpha=1, xScale=1, yScale=1 } ) elseif currentScore \>= twoStar then local twoStars = display.newImage(uiGroup, "images1/2RewardStar.png" , display.contentHeight, display.contentWidth) twoStars.x = 415 twoStars.y = 1100 twoStars.alpha = 0 twoStars:scale(4, 4) twoStars, {time=1500, alpha=1, xScale=1, yScale=1 } ) elseif currentScore \>= oneStar then local oneStars = display.newImage(uiGroup, "images1/1RewardStar.png", display.contentHeight, display.contentWidth ) oneStars.x = 280 oneStars.y = 1200 oneStars.alpha = 0 oneStars:scale(4, 4) oneStars, {time=1500, alpha=1, xScale=1, yScale=1 } ) else local noStars = display.newImage(uiGroup, "images1/NoRewardStar.png", display.contentHeight, display.contentWidth) noStars.x = 540 noStars.y = 1100 end homeBtn = widget.newButton{ defaultFile= "images1/Buttons/HomeBtn.png", overFile= "images1/Buttons/HomeBtn.png", width=350, height=250, } = "home" homeBtn.x = 300 homeBtn.y = 1700 uiGroup:insert(homeBtn) homeBtn:addEventListener("touch", buttonTouched) operationBtn = widget.newButton{ defaultFile= "images1/Buttons/OperatorBtn.png", overFile= "images1/Buttons/OperatorBtn.png", width=350, height=250, onRelease = onOperationBtnRelease } operationBtn.x = 800 operationBtn.y = 1700 uiGroup:insert(operationBtn) end function scene:show( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local phase = event.phase if ( phase == "will" ) then -- Called when the scene is still off screen (but is about to come on screen). elseif ( phase == "did" ) then -- Called when the scene is now on screen. -- Insert code here to make the scene come alive. -- Example: start timers, begin animation, play audio, etc. composer.removeHidden() -- Now that the scene has appeared, allow dragging etc touchEnabled = true end end function scene:hide( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view local phase = event.phase if ( phase == "will" ) then -- Called when the scene is on screen (but is about to go off screen). -- Insert code here to "pause" the scene. -- Example: stop timers, stop animation, stop audio, etc. touchEnabled = false elseif ( phase == "did" ) then -- Called immediately after scene goes off screen. end end function scene:destroy( event ) local sceneGroup = self.view -- Called prior to the removal of scene's view ("sceneGroup"). -- Insert code here to clean up the scene. -- Example: remove display objects, save state, etc. end -- Then add the listeners for the above functions scene:addEventListener( "create", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "show", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "hide", scene ) scene:addEventListener( "destroy", scene ) return scene