timer.preformWithDelay (a nil value)

here is my code, can anyone find my mistake?

local splashimg = display.newImageRect(“images/yaffeappssplash.png”, 640, 1136)
group:insert( splashimg )

local gotoNextScene = function()
splashimg = nil
storyboard.gotoScene( “menu”,“crossFade”, 500 )

local splashTimer = timer.preformWithDelay(1000, gotoNextScene) [import]uid: 226740 topic_id: 37256 reply_id: 67256[/import]

Hi there,

In line 10 (and in the title of the post), [lua]timer.preformWithDelay[/lua] is misspelled. It should be written [lua]timer.performWithDelay[/lua].

  • Andrew [import]uid: 109711 topic_id: 37256 reply_id: 145494[/import]

Hi there,

In line 10 (and in the title of the post), [lua]timer.preformWithDelay[/lua] is misspelled. It should be written [lua]timer.performWithDelay[/lua].

  • Andrew [import]uid: 109711 topic_id: 37256 reply_id: 145494[/import]