Tiny Racing - Asynchronous online racing


Finally released for iOS and Android.
True multiplatform, beat your android friends from your iPhone/iPad

Tiny Racing is a non-scrolling top-down racing game.
It features ghost downloadable leaderboards and an asynchronous challenge system.

The gameplay is simple, but very hard to master.
Race your car as fast as you can for 3 laps.
Send challenges to your friends, and beat each others race times during a 24 hours time slot.
When the time is up, the challenge is locked, and points are rewarded.
Friends race time, is downloaded as a ghost replay.

Climb the leaderboards, where you can either compete in timetrial mode, or points from the challenge mode.
Tiny Racing is a free download for iPhone, iPad and Android devices.
Race challenges can be made cross platform, so show your friends who can race.

link app-store:

link google play:


I welcome your feedback/suggestions and if you have any questions let me know.


[import]uid: 128204 topic\_id: 29664 reply\_id: 329664[/import]

Looks really neat - will pick this up tonight :slight_smile: [import]uid: 52491 topic_id: 29664 reply_id: 119075[/import]

Looks cool, BTW in your trailer you say “Comming Soon” Coming is with a single “m”. In case you want to fix it. [import]uid: 19620 topic_id: 29664 reply_id: 119101[/import]