Touch events not working in negative coordinates / coords. past display.contentWidth/Height

In order to get my app to scale and look correct on devices that are not in the app’s native screen aspect ratio I am scaling the entire scene considering display.actualCurrentWidth/Height.

For instance, the app works natively on the iPhone 5 screen aspect ratio / in portrait mode. On an iPad there are spaces to the left and right of the app. My app will fit it self to fill those spaces. 

It seems that “touch” events are not working in the screen space beyond the apps display.contentWidth/Height dimensions. 

Widgets do appear to work though.

In this specific case I have a display.newRect object with a touch listener assigned to it. It works fine until your finger moves outside of coords that exist from 0 to display.contentWidth/Height.

How can I get corona to register these touch events?



Oh, fun.

In this case I am using composer. If I add the object to a screenGroup it will work beyond the aforementioned boundaries. 

Hope this helps someone.



Oh, fun.

In this case I am using composer. If I add the object to a screenGroup it will work beyond the aforementioned boundaries. 

Hope this helps someone.

