I am trying to send information to my server when a user uninstalls my app.
Is there a way to track app uninstall with Corona/Solar 2D?
I’ll be grateful for any help I can get.
- AppFlyers plugin does it.
- You can see the stats on Google Play console.
- Another option is to send notifications with onesignal and see what devices come back without registration that used to be registered.
- And finally you can track session. Somebody who has not logged into your game/app for weeks probably doesn’t have it installed.
As far as something inside the code you can write to know when they uninstall it, I don’t think anything exists. Your app will not be running and solar2d apps don’t run in the background last time I checked. So as it is being uninstalled there is no mechanism to notify you that it is being removed.
Thanks for the response.
Google play console stats are not very accurate.
I had about 300 new app users when looking at my database, but google said I had only 1 new user.
I will definitely try your other points. Thanks again!
Google Play is accurate, but it doesn’t show statistics in real-time.
Also, have you considered that some of those 300 new users of yours aren’t from Google Play but that they’ve downloaded your APK from some other site?
I have considered that, but I didn’t know any other platform that shows my app so I didn’t believe it. But now I do, a bit.
You will be surprised. Do a search on Google.