Transition Effects Issue

Hi Corona Community,

   I can’t seem to get transition effects to work in my app. I’m currently using a navigation tab bar to navigate between different overlays within my app. I’m trying to make it so that when I move from one overlay to the next, I can transition the overlays by sliding. Here’s an example of what I’m doing:

local transitionOptions = { isModal = true, effect = "slideLeft", time = 500 } notificationPage = composer.showOverlay( "Notification", transitionOptions); 

Any help would be appreciated.

All the best,


Functions from composer.* don’t take tags. It should just be:

composer.showOverlay( "Notification", transitionOptions)

Thanks for the suggestion Alex@Panc. I tried 

composer.showOverlay( “Notification”, transitionOptions);

But the transition still doesn’t seem to work. 

I did a bit more testing, and instead of doing the transition effect, the overlay pops in after the transition time is over.

composer only supports a single overlay at a time, and an overlay’s transition is with regard to its parent scene, not another overlay.  if i understand what you’re trying to do, then your overlays could instead be scenes, and your nav bar could be something built “outside of” componser (that is, not part of any scene’s view, just floating on top of everything), then you could have your scenes slide in/out relative to each other.

Thanks davebollinger. Even when I try using:

local options = { effect = "slideLeft", time = 500 } composer.gotoScene("Notification", options);

I can’t seem to get the transition to work. Is there something that needs to be activated for transitions to work? Do I need to have Corona Enterprise?

Thanks in advance.

Functions from composer.* don’t take tags. It should just be:

composer.showOverlay( "Notification", transitionOptions)

Thanks for the suggestion Alex@Panc. I tried 

composer.showOverlay( “Notification”, transitionOptions);

But the transition still doesn’t seem to work. 

I did a bit more testing, and instead of doing the transition effect, the overlay pops in after the transition time is over.

composer only supports a single overlay at a time, and an overlay’s transition is with regard to its parent scene, not another overlay.  if i understand what you’re trying to do, then your overlays could instead be scenes, and your nav bar could be something built “outside of” componser (that is, not part of any scene’s view, just floating on top of everything), then you could have your scenes slide in/out relative to each other.

Thanks davebollinger. Even when I try using:

local options = { effect = "slideLeft", time = 500 } composer.gotoScene("Notification", options);

I can’t seem to get the transition to work. Is there something that needs to be activated for transitions to work? Do I need to have Corona Enterprise?

Thanks in advance.