Yes, I thought about this. Time can be found from distance between two points: start and end points. Distance was 1000 the time was 1000, new distance is 500 and the time will be 500.
I see there is a table returnable from proc so I thought perhaps I can control transition params in flow.
table: 0E25A708 { 15:40:54.467 [\_transition] =\> function: 047202E0 15:40:54.467 [\_instantiatedByTransLib] =\> true 15:40:54.467 [iterations] =\> 1 15:40:54.467 [\_target] =\> table: 0E25A708 { 15:40:54.467 [\_proxy] =\> userdata: 0A024AA8 15:40:54.467 [\_class] =\> table: 0A024D10 { 15:40:54.467 [removeEventListener] =\> function: 0471FC40 15:40:54.467 [addEventListener] =\> function: 0471FC20 15:40:54.467 [\_\_index] =\> table: 04727F50 { 15:40:54.467 \*table: 04727F50 15:40:54.467 } 15:40:54.467 } 15:40:54.467 } 15:40:54.467 [\_timeStart] =\> 3720.5 15:40:54.467 [\_delayParams] =\> table: 0E25A708 { 15:40:54.467 [y] =\> 870 15:40:54.467 [x] =\> 270 15:40:54.467 [time] =\> 10049.875621121 15:40:54.467 [delay] =\> 45224.440295044 15:40:54.467 [transition] =\> function: 047202E0 15:40:54.467 } 15:40:54.467 [\_duration] =\> 10049.875621121 15:40:54.467 [\_delay] =\> 45224.440295044 15:40:54.467 [tag] =\> "" 15:40:54.467 }