Transition update 5/12/2017


Today I have seen an update who improve transition: 

  • Framework: Fixed convenience methods of transition library
  • Framework: starting transitions instantly if 0 passed as delay

It’s look very interesting for the first line, but what does it mean?

Does it mean some transition won’t cancel for any reason (when it’s canceled it s probably logical but does it mean that won’t happen anymore?)

Does it avoid us to have this kind of code to have infinite loop who don’t cancel for no good reason?

object.fill.effect = "filter.exposure" object.fill.effect.exposure =0 local objecttransition=function(obj) if obj~=nil then,{delay=value,time=value2,exposure=0.7,transition=easing.continuousLoop, onComplete=objecttransition } ) end end objecttransition(object.fill.effect)

The two fixes involve fixing the convenience methods like .fadeIn() which only should work on the alpha property was also setting default values for things like x and y. The other fix involves removing a small delay if you set the delay to 0.

This has nothing to do with running a transition repeatedly. 


Thank you @rob :slight_smile:

You have always answer that’s wonderful 

The two fixes involve fixing the convenience methods like .fadeIn() which only should work on the alpha property was also setting default values for things like x and y. The other fix involves removing a small delay if you set the delay to 0.

This has nothing to do with running a transition repeatedly. 


Thank you @rob :slight_smile:

You have always answer that’s wonderful