Added shading to zRotate(). Just set shading=true to apply default shading like this:
transition.zRotate(iceTrapIcon, { degrees = 360, iterations = 0, time = 2000, horizontal = false, transition = easing.inOutSine, reverse = true, transitionReverse = easing.inOutQuad, onRepeat = function(target, params) params.horizontal = not params.horizontal end, shading = true, })
Applied to my Ice Trap icon it looks like below. The weird tracks under the image are just a result of the GifCam recording.
If you want to adjust darkness/brightness of the shading you can do that too.
transition.zRotate(iceTrapIcon, { degrees = 360, iterations = 0, time = 2000, horizontal = false, transition = easing.inOutSine, reverse = true, transitionReverse = easing.inOutQuad, onRepeat = function(target, params) params.horizontal = not params.horizontal end, shading = true, shadingDarknessIntensity = 0.75, -- Value between 0-1. Default = 1. shadingBrightnessIntensity = 0.5, -- Value between 0-1. Default = 0. })