UPDATE: transition2 is now a full standalone rewrite of the transition library instead of just an extension.
The last couple of days I’ve been working on transition2 : A customizable extension for the existing transition library (with an imaginative name :)).
To start with, transition2 introduces the transition functions color(), glow(), bounce() and moveSine(), but it can also easily be extended further with custom transition functions. Here’s an example of bounce() and glow() combined with a regular transition.to() for scaling and rotation:
I’ve written quite a long blog post about it where you can read more about why and how I did this: http://bitstopixels.blogspot.com/2017/06/transition2-extending-coronas.html
If you’re interested in trying it out you can find the full source code here: https://github.com/rannerboy/corona-transition2.
I would love to get some feedback from you! If transition2 turns out to be useful to other Corona devs I’ll definitely consider extending it with more transition functions and turn it into a Corona plugin.
Thanks for reading!