Tried posting in twitter or facebook via code?

I have used GGFacebook library but It doesn’t seem to work. Maybe something is wrong in my implementation because nothing appear when I click a the post button in my app.

My code works like this:

facebookAppID = "420230808066127"  
local GGFacebook = require "GGFacebook"  
local fb = GGFacebook:new(facebookAppID)  
local function facebook()  
 local message = "I played the game Astro Assault and survived up to Level " .. level .. ", with a score of " .. score .. ". Wanna compete with me? Download this game now! \n"  
 local baseDir = system.DocumentsDirectory  
 local filename = "overscreen.jpg"  
 fb:uploadImage( message, filename, baseDir )  
overscreen = display.captureScreen(true)  
local baseDir = system.DocumentsDirectory overscreen, "overscreen.jpg", baseDir )  

Glad somebody could help, maybe got an Alternative rather than using GGFacebook thanks! =) [import]uid: 225774 topic_id: 37208 reply_id: 67208[/import]