Trouble getting started with

yes I’m using the github code

Do the fields have to represent an actual Parse account? I thought it was just a demo to show how you would store a new users details and retrieve, so pretty much what I need for my App.

So if I am right in my assumptions, I’m having problems just creating a new a signup !

[import]uid: 137150 topic_id: 36201 reply_id: 143772[/import]

Ok, the Parse module in the demo should spit out a signup, login, logout, update buttons (or some variant thereof). You first need to “signup” with a new user. Once you do that, you can reference your dashboard and see the new user account set up.

When using the app, this is how a user creates an account. You can also login with that same account with the test app and have the ability to update a text field. [import]uid: 92150 topic_id: 36201 reply_id: 143780[/import]

Thats right I get an error when trying to signup with a new user, I copied the AppKey and RestKey from the dashboard, wasn’t sure about the seesion Token, tried with = nil and the seesion token from the dashboard.

Is there anything else I could try?

I get Missing Login data

[import]uid: 137150 topic_id: 36201 reply_id: 143781[/import]

Looks like there are issues with getting the values out of the input fields. Look at the main.lua and double check how they are storing the input field data. I suspect the error lies in there somewhere. [import]uid: 92150 topic_id: 36201 reply_id: 143782[/import]

Thanks managed to get it to work by debugging what was going into the signup function

Update box needs to be filled with a value for credit ie 100

On each box you need to click with mouse and press return, then click onto next box

Not seen whats being stored yet but it looks like its working

Appreciate your help greenrift [import]uid: 137150 topic_id: 36201 reply_id: 143791[/import]