Does the Corona example for Parse work out the box?
I’ve signedup and added my Application and Rest Key
These is also a “X-Parse-Session-Token” = nil which I copied the one from the Parse dashboard… not sure what the format of this is or how I generate a new one…
When I try the App in the Corona Sim I enter values for the following fields
and leave Update Blank
Reading through the source appears that these are entered by the user and a Parse object is created
However all I get is a ‘Missing login data’ message…
Feel like a complete idiot, I’m not experienced in DB programming so I don’t want to try the other options from Parse site, like using their toolkit.
Particualy annoying as I wasted several days trying to get AWS SimpleDB working with replacing attributes…
Can’t really wait for Corona Cloud for my dev purposes, maybe switch over for App launch…
Any help MUCH appreciated
[import]uid: 137150 topic_id: 36201 reply_id: 336201[/import]