Trouble with double right click

I added an event listener to the Runtime’s mouse event, and almost everything is working out well. The one thing that appears broken, at least in the Windows simulator, is that I do not reliably get every secondary button down event. It works fine until I right click in quick succession, when it ignores every other click.

I tried printing the event state, and I’m not getting a second right button down event. I suspect the problem is that double right click is a different OS level event than single right click. At least, I solved a bug in another engine that had the same behavior and this was the cause.

Left, or primary, click events happen exactly as expected, regardless of speed. It’s only the right clicks that (situationally) get dropped.

Has anyone run into this before? Or is there a setting I can tweak to fix this?

Are you building a mobile app or a desktop app?

Are you able to put together a simple demo app that will show us the problem?

Also what version of Corona SDK are you running and what version of Windows?



Platform: mobile. The issue shows in the Windows simulator.

Corona SDK: version: 3.0.0, build 2016.2906

Windows: 10 Home

I thought, based on my description, that you could throw together an app that shows the problem just as fast as asking for one, but sure:

local wasSecondaryDown = false Runtime:addEventListener("mouse", function(event) if event.isSecondaryButtonDown and not wasSecondaryDown then print(event.time .. " right button down") wasSecondaryDown = true elseif wasSecondaryDown and not event.isSecondaryButtonDown then wasSecondaryDown = false end end)

This is the minimal main.lua I could get to that shows the problem.

I’m not getting missing right clicks on my Mac. Interesting on my Mac (Lenovo, Windows 10) with my bluetooth mouse, I could not verify that I lost any right clicks. If I used the right click button above the track pad with any speed I would only get about half of them.

So at this point, if you can take that code, produce a config.lua and build.settings to go along with it (and maybe updated it to show it never looses left clicks). Then drop all of that in a .zip file and use the “Report a bug” link at the top of the page. It needs to be a .zip file and it will be rejected if the engineers have to guess at any missing files or assets. Your case is pretty simple, so bundle up your config.lua and build.settings.

You should get an email with a CaseID. Please post that back here when you get it.


Thanks! It’s not spelled out clearly, but I think the CaseID is 5721147.

Are you building a mobile app or a desktop app?

Are you able to put together a simple demo app that will show us the problem?

Also what version of Corona SDK are you running and what version of Windows?



Platform: mobile. The issue shows in the Windows simulator.

Corona SDK: version: 3.0.0, build 2016.2906

Windows: 10 Home

I thought, based on my description, that you could throw together an app that shows the problem just as fast as asking for one, but sure:

local wasSecondaryDown = false Runtime:addEventListener("mouse", function(event) if event.isSecondaryButtonDown and not wasSecondaryDown then print(event.time .. " right button down") wasSecondaryDown = true elseif wasSecondaryDown and not event.isSecondaryButtonDown then wasSecondaryDown = false end end)

This is the minimal main.lua I could get to that shows the problem.

I’m not getting missing right clicks on my Mac. Interesting on my Mac (Lenovo, Windows 10) with my bluetooth mouse, I could not verify that I lost any right clicks. If I used the right click button above the track pad with any speed I would only get about half of them.

So at this point, if you can take that code, produce a config.lua and build.settings to go along with it (and maybe updated it to show it never looses left clicks). Then drop all of that in a .zip file and use the “Report a bug” link at the top of the page. It needs to be a .zip file and it will be rejected if the engineers have to guess at any missing files or assets. Your case is pretty simple, so bundle up your config.lua and build.settings.

You should get an email with a CaseID. Please post that back here when you get it.


Thanks! It’s not spelled out clearly, but I think the CaseID is 5721147.