I realize it hasn’t been long since my last release…This was a quick project, decided to make a quick ‘high score chaser’ revolving around Mr Trump since he seems to be a lightning bolt for attention in the ongoing presidential election here in the States.
Introducing… Trump Hands
I have about 35 audio quotes from Trump made during his public appearances that play at start and end of each round… they are pretty entertaining all things considered, but nothing (too) offensive and I tried to be as neutral with the subject matter as possible.
Tap sides of screen to make corresponding hand go down to grab money ($). You can only grab 1 $ at a time. The pennies (brown circle) you need to tap where it is on screen or swipe to make a line - if the pennies hit the line (fades out in ~3-5 secs) then they will get destroyed, the $ has to be grabbed by Trumps Hands. Game over when $ or a penny reaches his lap…
Give it a go if that’s your thing, the game is simple and meant for quick sessions. It gradually ramps up in difficulty. Static Advert 10% on round end , Leaderboards. Thank you , have fun