Trying to learn camera access, getting an error even on the tutorial code...

Hi All,

I have created a separate project that contains ONLY the code from the tutorial on the docs.

local onComplete = function( event ) print( "Returned from camera view." ) end local hasAccessToCamera, hasCamera = media.hasSource( media.Camera ) if ( hasAccessToCamera == true ) then -- There is access to the camera media.capturePhoto( { listener = onComplete } ) elseif ( hasCamera == true and native.canShowPopup( "requestAppPermission" ) ) then -- A camera exists, but there is no access to it! native.showPopup( "requestAppPermission", { appPermission="Camera" } ) else native.showAlert( "Corona", "This device does not have a camera.", { "OK" } ) end

My android build settings are as follows:

settings = { android = { usesPermissions = { "android.permission.CAMERA", "android.permission.WRITE\_EXTERNAL\_STORAGE", }, }, }

I compiled this to android, uploaded the apk to my device to test, and debugged through ADB. When running the app, it is requesting access for camera, but goes no further. Message on ADB log console is:

08-20 14:00:36.427 22645 22678 V Corona : \> Class.forName: 08-20 14:00:36.457 22645 22678 V Corona : \> Class.forName: 08-20 14:00:36.457 22645 22678 V Corona : \< Class.forName: 08-20 14:00:36.464 22645 22678 V Corona : Loading via reflection: 08-20 14:00:36.466 22645 22678 V Corona : \> Class.forName: \_CoronaSetup.LuaLoader 08-20 14:00:39.336 22645 22645 D Corona : Execute the lua listener task 08-20 14:00:39.340 22645 22645 I Corona : ERROR: CoronaActivity.DefaultRequestPermissiosnResultHandler.forwardRequestPermissionsResultToLua():Cannot forward results to Lua as no registry ID was found!

Line seven seems to be the pertinent issue.

Is there something simple I have missed? This is purely the code straight from the tutorial site, I’ve not changed anything else.


Ryan Abrahams

Have found solution via:

So if you are also new, and also having this issue, (as I googled this error and found three results total) the code above is pretty easy to follow to implement camera functionality properly.

Have found solution via:

So if you are also new, and also having this issue, (as I googled this error and found three results total) the code above is pretty easy to follow to implement camera functionality properly.