Ok, I’ve testet a bit and I don’t get it to work. It’s quite possible me who have done something wrong.
When I touch a text field, the keyboard shows up and the keys are all uppercase (since it’s the first letter in the text field), just as before:
I guess if things were working as supposed to, the keyboard would show all lowercase letters?
What I’ve done is this:
local keyboardEvents = require "plugin.keyboardEvents" -- Turn off auto capitalization for text fields and text boxes (only for iOS) keyboardEvents.init() keyboardEvents.setTextFieldAutocapitalizationType("None") keyboardEvents.setTextBoxAutocapitalizationType("None") keyboardEvents.setAutocorrectionType("UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo") keyboardEvents.setSpellCheckingType("UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo")
I added setAutocorrectionType() and setSpellCheckingType() for good measure.
I also called init() first.
I also added the following line under the plugins section in build.settings:
["plugin.keyboardEvents"] = { publisherId = "net.shakebrowser" },
Do you see any obvious errors in the usage?
Maybe I should try this instead (as this is how I require the other plugins that I use)?
local keyboardEvents = require("plugin.keyboardEvents")