Tutorial Videos.

Hi all,


I have just completed a series of videos I made to use in my Y13 class.  The main reason I made them was to demonstrate how to use classes within Corona.  When I made them I did not intent on sharing them with the community (not confident I have done everything correctly) so they are rather specific to my situation, but I have since decided the community has been so helpful to me that I should do some thing to give back…   I make no promises that everything is correct, but I think it is a fair attempt and my students have do far found them useful…


They have already watched most of the videos and have gone on to do things within the game that I would have never have thought of (and found mistakes within my code),  I learn more from them then they do from me…




Hope that someone might find these useful at sometime… 



Craig - this is great! Thank you very much for posting. Do you mind if we link to them elsewhere as well (e.g., Twitter, Facebook)?

Not at all,  not sure they are correct…  But help yourself…

Excellent, thanks for sharing!

Craig - this is great! Thank you very much for posting. Do you mind if we link to them elsewhere as well (e.g., Twitter, Facebook)?

Not at all,  not sure they are correct…  But help yourself…

Excellent, thanks for sharing!