Tutorials for using Puggle ( Corona helper library )

Puggle is a helper library designed to make the everyday life of a Corona SDK user just a little bit easier. It includes various systems from data storage, achievements, sound, input, and many more.

I use it for my own personal projects and I’m slowly integrating it into our projects at Glitch and selfishly I’d like more people to use it so it can be more stable and fully featured.

To this end I have started writing some tutorials for it. I’ll update this post as I make more just in case anyone is interested:

All feedback welcome!

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Do those tutorials live somewhere else at this time? Those be dead links. :slight_smile:

I just discovered Puggle and think it might be really handy – and I’m always looking for good video tutorials instead of just digging through code to figure out how to use it.


I dont’ see any puggle related stuff, but Graham has a repository here that may still be useful to you and others:

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