Just finished my second game, “Boxy Tap”.
Started playing with Corona SDK for about 4 weeks ago. Since then, I haven’t seen my family. Anyone know where my wife and kids left? No, kidding, they are around, but I have been in my own world these weeks.
I’m pretty proud of my work. The only programming experience I have is some Visual Basic 15 years ago at school. And a bit of HTML/PHP (not producing own code, just adapting others)
But I find Corona highly easy to learn, so in just 4 weeks I’ve learned enough to produced these two games:
Distracted Driver : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.gmail.fagerland.christian.Distracted_Driver
Boxy Tap: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=mobi.fagerland.boxytap
Comments are most welcome, especially constructive criticism