Hi Brent,
Thanks a lot for the reply!
The ‘make your own line separator’ expedient works great. I didn’t thinl of that. thanks.
As for the tableview still receiving touches I can give you the below code, which is the function that creates an overlay group to the scene containing UI instructions for the user. This group (InstGroup) has a background (InstBG), or better a ‘foreground’ since I bring it on top of the other elements, that listens for a tap to remove the whole group of instructions. If I tap it in correspondance of the underlaying tableview this latter still receives the touch… and messes up things!!!
I don’t why this happens since this function is called at the very bottom of the code for the scene, so that there’s no way for the tableview to be on top of the object receiving the tap:
local function Instructor3 () local var1 local InstGroup = display.newGroup() sceneGroup:insert (InstGroup) if aspectRatio \> 1.5 then var1=45 else var1 = 0 end local InstBG = display.newRect( InstGroup, centerX, centerY, display.contentWidth, display.contentHeight ) InstGroup:insert(InstBG) InstBG:setFillColor(0.2) InstBG.alpha= 0.1 local vertix = { 0, 5, -10, -15, 10, -15} local Tr1 = display.newPolygon(InstGroup, centerX, display.contentHeight - 55, vertix ) Tr1:setFillColor( 1 ) local Tr3 = display.newPolygon(InstGroup, centerX, centerY - 55, vertix ) Tr3:setFillColor( 1 ) local Tr2 = display.newPolygon(InstGroup, display.contentWidth - 30, centerY + 45 + var1, vertix ) Tr2:setFillColor( 1 ) local Tr4 = display.newPolygon(InstGroup, display.contentWidth - 25, 100, vertix ) Tr4:setFillColor( 1 ) Tr4:rotate( 180 ) local txt4 = display.newText( InstGroup, "Options (addends here)", display.contentWidth - 70, 120, "Helvetica", 12 ) local txt1 = display.newText( InstGroup, "Delete all saves", centerX, display.contentHeight - 75, "Helvetica", 12 ) local txt3 = display.newText( InstGroup, "Save current count", centerX , centerY - 75 , "Helvetica", 12 ) local txt2 = display.newText(InstGroup, "Load / delete", display.contentWidth - 55, centerY + 25 + var1, vertix, 12 ) tableView:insertRow({ isCategory = isCategory, rowHeight = rowHeight, rowColor = rowColor, params = { id = 1, inputTxt = "'Example Save'", passedNumber = tostring(10), TimeDate = os.date( "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M.%S" )}, lineColor = lineColor, onRowTouch = onRowTouch, onRender = onRowRender, }) InstBG:toFront() InstGroup:toFront( ) local function removeInst () transition.to(InstGroup , {time = 50, alpha = 0, onComplete = function() InstGroup:removeSelf() end } ) tableView:deleteAllRows( ) prefs.firstRun3 = false prefs:save() return true end InstBG:addEventListener( "tap", removeInst ) end -- if prefs.firstRun3 == nil then Instructor3 () -- end
Hope you manage to make sense out of this…
Thanks for the concern!
P.S: I already have a workaround involving a flagging system, but I’d rather avoid that…